IGF LR3 for PCT?


New member
Has anyone here used IGF for post cycle therapy (pct)?

I have heard mixed reviews, alot saying it "brought the boys back to size real quick". Also, nolva lowers circulating IGF correct? So, in theory it would be good to supplement it in while using nolva for post cycle therapy (pct)?

Lastly, I use IGF on cycle, so I inject it EOD (workout days) But, if I use it for post cycle therapy (pct) I will do LOW dosage everyday, but where would I inject since I wont be working a specific muscle group?
Has anyone here used IGF for post cycle therapy (pct)?

I have heard mixed reviews, alot saying it "brought the boys back to size real quick". Also, nolva lowers circulating IGF correct? So, in theory it would be good to supplement it in while using nolva for post cycle therapy (pct)?

Lastly, I use IGF on cycle, so I inject it EOD (workout days) But, if I use it for post cycle therapy (pct) I will do LOW dosage everyday, but where would I inject since I wont be working a specific muscle group?

You don't continue your routine once you start post cycle therapy (pct)? Just change intensity and inject per muscle group you work out.

I plan on running it during my post cycle therapy (pct) also, but obviously not to aid in recovery of hpta, just for an extra boost. especially in shuttling my carbs to where they need to go since eating is hard to keep up on after cycle.

Never heard of it helping recovery of natty test though.
ive used it in pct. chris is right, it does nothing for the htpa recovery. it does help you keep gains tho. i was doing subq injections of 20-30mcg before working out. they say to take it either before or wait like 30min-1hour after working out. on non workout days i would take it first thing in the morning.