Igf1lr3 made by research companies use E. Coli, what we buy is synthetic.......


New member
When I say research companies Im talking about the ones where you have to be working in a lab to buy this stuff, they wont send it to your house! Their IGF is made using E. Coli the same as HGH. Its reall expensive too....more than HGH.
WHat we have access to is "synthetic" igf. I know its argued that it works the same but how? And why would research companies and pharma continue to invest big money in making igf from E. Coli if it was "just as good" to use a cheaper synthetic version??
From what I understand, it's NOT as good, and the efficacy is far less than bioidentical product. However, I can't comment on just how much better the real deal is - justifying the price tag.

Hopefully someone with more insight into peptide science can chime in, as this is a topic I do have some interest in. :)
There is recombinant dna synthesized igf which is properly synthesized and folded, and there is synthetic. When you look at what many RC companies sell igf for its easy to see which is which.
RUI, ie, has sted here that they sell recombinant dna synthesized igf. They are one of the only RC companies I have seen that openly state this.
There is recombinant dna synthesized igf which is properly synthesized and folded, and there is synthetic. When you look at what many RC companies sell igf for its easy to see which is which.
RUI, ie, has sted here that they sell recombinant dna synthesized igf. They are one of the only RC companies I have seen that openly state this.
good to know!
I am getting interested in these peptides and am thinking to do a clen/pep type cycle thing. or even just alone and then together so I can judge differences better.