Im a Supplement n00b help me create a stack.


New member
First things first i suppose, i am 18 years old, i am 6'2'' tall with a large frame, i am aiming to lose approximately 20-30 pounds of excess fat, i have no desire to become a huge pumped up builder, i just want to see all of my ab muscles and pecks. im an ex defensive lineman, my upper body strength has dropped to a sickening low, this is a concern, i want my bench to go up from its low of 225lbs. but i do not feel as though straight up roids would be my wisest choise, i had briefly considered superdrol, but decided against it, however anything short of that goes. recommend me a supplement or stack! thanks in advance!
get your diet straight, then worry about supps. You could be the CEO of GNC, have unlimited access to every supp they sell, and wouldnt see shit from them without a decent diet.
Suareezay said:
get your diet straight, then worry about supps.

The only thing I would add is to go to the training section of our forum and read up on working out.

Once you get your diet and training in order, THEN go into crap like supps.
well, consider that i've been lifting since i was 15, i used the bigger faster stronger program for the better part of 2 years, my bench peaked at around 315 when i had just turned 17, my squat peaked at 450, i could run a 4.9 40yd @ 260 pounds, my workout is already decided, im doing core compound lifts, bench, squat, millitary, ect, ect., dieting is somthing i can work out for myself now ( did a lil research in the last couple hours), but still i have never used any supps, i always just ate lots of high protien foods ( steak, shrimp, fish, ect.). in other words im not new to the lifting game, just the supplements, i dont know what sources i can trust outside of asking people who have actually used them. thanks for the advice so far! keep em comin!
For starters, I'd stay away from anything 'new'. There is just too much hype out there to tell what is real or what isn't and anything they are trying to sell sounds better than gear with less sides. Typically a year or so after an item has been out, you'll be able to get other people's opinions on the new items.

Basic supps, I'd go with protein powders, multi vitamins/minerals. I don't think you can go wrong with taurine either. After that, you could go with creatine or you could go for something to help you lose some fat like e/c/a, green tea, etc.

I guess what I'm saying is don't just throw your money away, be careful what you are buying and make sure it actually will benefit you.
TxLonghorn said:
For starters, I'd stay away from anything 'new'. There is just too much hype out there to tell what is real or what isn't and anything they are trying to sell sounds better than gear with less sides. Typically a year or so after an item has been out, you'll be able to get other people's opinions on the new items.

Basic supps, I'd go with protein powders, multi vitamins/minerals. I don't think you can go wrong with taurine either. After that, you could go with creatine or you could go for something to help you lose some fat like e/c/a, green tea, etc.

I guess what I'm saying is don't just throw your money away, be careful what you are buying and make sure it actually will benefit you.
the only thing to add to what Tx said is EFA's...i place those some were up there betwen protien powder and creatine...if i had to pick 2 of the 3 it would be protien owder and EFA's...
a good mix of fish oil and flax oil would be nice..i take 4g of fish oil ED and 4g of flax oil ED...making up 8g of EFA's ED...cant go wrong there...
oxman543 said:
dieting is somthing i can work out for myself now ( did a lil research in the last couple hours)'ll take more than a few hours research to really nail the diet down...what's yours look like now?? These people can reallllllllly help you out here with that...