I'm about to order serms and AI, NEED HELP!


New member
My pct is going to look like this

Start 2000mg Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 14 days, after last pin, EOD FOR 10 DAYS( Already have)
Day after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin start nolvadex, and clomid.
Nolva-40/40/20/20 (Don't have)
Clomid-50/50/25/25. (Don't have)

Going to run adex .25mg ED while on(Don't have), and then switch to aromasin, or just keep it in case of emergency, and run adex all the way through!

Is there anything I'm missing, and will/do I have enough to cover any problems in case things get bad? Also what should aromasin doseage look like if I need it?

Note: Running T400 for first cycle