I'm an 18 year old Noob

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New member
Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am a brand new member to steroidology and to the supplement-game entirely. As an 18 year old I guess I am "fresh meat" in this field but I have been doing a large amount of, albeit humble and rob ably not all accurate, research. This thread is probably going to be cast aside as hogwash because the idea behind it is ludicrous but I really do not think, after some research, that it is. Two of my baseball teammates and I want to begin taking hgh for this upcoming baseball season.

Look, I am 18 years old and I have not grown in about two years. My family history indicates that major growth pretty much stops after 17 with about an inch or two to go before I hit 20 or so. I am an athlete, and a good one, but my bone structure is less than dense to say the least and one could say I have the build of more a boy than a man. Now you might say that I should wait and let my "man muscles" develop; the problem is in my family most of the guys have the physical builds of boys rather than men except for your given characteristics of a pot belly, larger hands, and big forearms.

Now as far as I know, there are very mixed reports as to the effect hgh has on the endocrine system and your pituitary so I am calling upon you guys to help me out with this. I am not looking for someone to save me by saying "hell no!" or someone to falsely provide confidence with a "fuck yeah man do it" and while i know none of you are medical experts, if one could lay out the pros and cons in an honest and objective way that would be fantastic.

Money is not an issue however my "cycle" of hgh would probably only be about a 3 month maximum. Now most will say that that is a waste of money but I am subscribing to the school of thought of 3 days per week injection, pre and post workout IM. Supposedly this regiment offers the most immediate gains and the most retainable. I also destroyed all of the cartilage in my knees in a snowboarding accident about 3 years ago and am hoping that hgh could help rehab that injury as it supposedly regenerates connective tissue in the joints.

Because I and my cohorts are only 18, the amount of hgh we will possibly be taking is low. I was thinking around only 2 IUs the first week to get our feet wet, and gradually make our way up to about 8 max.

Look, if anyone here believes that hgh really is not the answer, and I'm not saying that it is (it is just an option), then please feel free to hel me out with a different workout regiment. I am not really down for AAS just because of the whole "stunting growth" thing. I am trying to avoid that at all costs and if anything I figure hgh will help propel growth (i know i know it doesn't help you grow taller, but hey my growth later are still open and anything can happen). Plus, with AAS, Im not sure about the whole idea of post cycle therapy. In a similar way i am not so sure about testosterone and its implications.

Bottom Line: I am 18, 5'10"/11", around 172 lbs, and am an athlete looking to capitalize on a very small window in my development. I feel like I still have a chance to really transform my body in a way that the hard work I already put in at the gym cannot, namely: bone structure/density, possibly height (i know I'm gonna get shit for that!), and connective tissue repair/health. Not to mention the fat burning capabilities of hgh and the lean muscle mass it can help attain as well as the fact that it multiplies cells and does not just make them larger.

Anyway thanks a lot for any of you that stuck around to read this whole post. I am sure I am going to get shit on by anyone who responds but I am open too it, as long as it is constructive and educational. So add hgh for otherwise unattainable benefits? or not?
i don't know much about HGH other than you should run it longer than 3 months. i'm not advocating an 18 year old using AAS AT ALL, but i'd rather use steroids than HGH, even in your situation. You're not some kid looking to take steroids or HGH to get huge or look better at the beach or because you have small dick syndrome, and you already stated you are here for advice and will listen. i respect that. you're probably the first young guy i've seen come through here with an open mind. now with that stated, what are your goals? be 110% realistic with yourself. what are your abilities REALLY? do you no shit have a shot at playing division one ball? if so, we'll talk. if not, then don't fuck with your body yet man. too soon
also heavy weight training increases bone density and connective tissue strength. as well as what you eat. and HGH being good for reproducing cartilage? like i said i'm no expert in HGH but i don't think so. when they say connective tissues, probably ligaments and tendons. cartilage isn't connective tissue. Deca will help with fluid retention around the joints but that doesn't regenerate cartilage either. knee replacement is the only way to go, something you may be looking at in the mid future.
Dude research and read, your 18....

he came in with a semi intelligent, lengthy, thought out post. He has researched, although probably not enough. You can never research enough when it comes to these things. And he's an athlete, not some guido tryin to get big arms for fist pumpin. He also came with an open mind. I'd rather help him out and hope he listens if we say don't do it, rather than tel him to fuck off he's too young and him go do it anyways since he's, well, he's 18.
As eloquent as you are, you have no business messing with gh and aas before 25. Period. Come back in seven years. Few males before 25 are ready for the psychological effects of this game.
I'm researching gh at the moment and I'm finding you'll need to be on for at least six months. Three months isn't going to cut it. Do it naturally.
Thanks for the replies guys, and loiseloos is definitely right, thats why I've been researching and reading.

And yeah, if I am going to be 100% realistic with myself, the only thing holding me back from playing division 1 ball is my size. Also, art of the reason I posted this was to see what kind of realistic expectations i could have if i were to take hgh. Also, why would you consider AAS over hgh? I thought hgh helped to multiply cells, therefore leading to more permanent gains as compared to AAS. Also any recommendations on foods/exercises to increase bone density and possible length? I know that you're dealt your genetic cards but i believe with work you can at the very least max them out
also gh isn't going to help with your height, while it is true it can it usually has to been ran all trhoughh puberty so your about 6 years too late, i had two friends that got it from their doctors during this time and they tower over the rest of their family, even though there only about 5'6'' hA
also, in terms of physiological effects, as long as you inject at the right times (basically not before bed) I've read that natural gh levels remain normal even after you are finished taking it. I know that i am young so things may be a bit different but even so, is that true? if you are taking mostly PW injections in either the morning or afternoon and you're not taking absurd amounts, it should have no bearing on your body's natural production right?
Dude, I doubt if you could even find legit HGH. SOOOOO many fakes out there. Plus, as mentioned, you'd have to run it 6 months to see benefit, so it's doubtful you can find a legit source and run it in time to help with your high school baseball season. Add that to the fact that you are way too young . . . I know you hate to hear it, but the best advice you can get (and I assume you'll get a lot of it on here, b/c these guys know their stuff) it not to run anything until you are 25 or older. Heck I didn't do my first cycle till I was 31. Good luck with your season this year.
hey brother,

fellow ncaa athlete here. I would go with a 12-15 week Test cycle, maybe 6 weeks of anavar on there aswell. post cycle therapy (pct) nolvadex and clomid.

What division are you currently in and how does your conference go about testing? Is it only after events or offseason aswell?

Test is best bro, test is best
Also what are your goals? You may be surprised to find they could be attainable naturally. Juice below 25 has additional risks as many here will tell you.
As eloquent as you are, you have no business messing with gh and aas before 25. Period. Come back in seven years. Few males before 25 are ready for the psychological effects of this game. few after also if you ask me lol
I'm researching gh at the moment and I'm finding you'll need to be on for at least six months. Three months isn't going to cut it. Do it naturally.

I agree. you should stick with non hormonal products, just supps like creatine, taurine, ALCAR, whey protein, vitamins etc.

wait till atleast 24ish
Thanks for the replies guys, and loiseloos is definitely right, thats why I've been researching and reading.

And yeah, if I am going to be 100% realistic with myself, the only thing holding me back from playing division 1 ball is my size. Also, art of the reason I posted this was to see what kind of realistic expectations i could have if i were to take hgh. Also, why would you consider AAS over hgh? I thought hgh helped to multiply cells, therefore leading to more permanent gains as compared to AAS. Also any recommendations on foods/exercises to increase bone density and possible length? I know that you're dealt your genetic cards but i believe with work you can at the very least max them out
right now aas would be worse, but i also dont rec HGH.
WHEN older AAS would yeld much more gains in mass, and aid in new cells also.
over time add HGH for help with cells with the aas cycles (i rec juts igf-1 peptide now over hgh, due to $/risk/cost vs results, to be honest)

look 6mo of HGH may2 give you 4-15lb in 6 months, but more is dependent on diet and training.
also you have MANY cells now and high gh levlesw, you should work with THOSE for their size, then when older add aas if you want to boost repair and muscle size, then later on maybe the igf-1 or hgh for new cells.

right now you want to avoid both in my op.
ur too young to juice man wait for at least a couple more years use this time to train and clean up you diet you have plenty of time Good luck
hey brother,

fellow ncaa athlete here. I would go with a 12-15 week Test cycle, maybe 6 weeks of anavar on there aswell. pct nolvadex and clomid.

What division are you currently in and how does your conference go about testing? Is it only after events or offseason aswell?

Test is best bro, test is best

This is very bad and reckless advice for anyone this young.

Please dont share your mistakes in this reckless way.
Alright. I see everybody's rationale, and while the stubborn part of me still thinks that I could be fine and definitely benefit from any exogh, I agree that i should rob ably maximize what I have first. Problem is, I really don't know how to do that yet. Just gotta read up on some more threads. Thanks for the honest and objective opinions/info. This is a cool community/forum
I agree. you should stick with non hormonal products, just supps like creatine, taurine, ALCAR, whey protein, vitamins etc.

wait till atleast 24ish
Strongly agreed. Diet is 80% of it. Ur body and bones areis still growing and ur natural plan for growth can be eschewed. At 18 u'd look awesome...but can u know for certain how u will look
t 30, 40, 50?? Will u have regret? How certain can u b given all the advice in these posts?
Alright. I see everybody's rationale, and while the stubborn part of me still thinks that I could be fine and definitely benefit from any exogh, I agree that i should rob ably maximize what I have first. Problem is, I really don't know how to do that yet. Just gotta read up on some more threads. Thanks for the honest and objective opinions/info. This is a cool community/forum

Start w nutritionalist who can take ur measurement, calculate all the boring stuff, and give you a diet that is specific to ur body and goals... 3j is very popular here and there is a natural reason for it.
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