I'm finally turned 25!! I am down for peptides! Advice, questions, help!

So I have patiently and purposefully decided not to read about steroids until I was old enough. (because I know I would just listen to the people who say, "i started taking roids at 16 and I'm fine" to convince myself I can to),

Now that I'm 25(!!!!!) I am starting my research.

First thing that I found in my research that worries me is, that some people say 25 is too early as well. That I should wait till 27-30 till my brain fully develops. I thought about this and that seems stupid because neuroscientists are finding that parts of the brain develop past 30. So that's dumb logic. Now the hormonal part of the brain, is the part I don't want to fuck up and I read that usually is fully developed by 25(by most literature I have read). If any of this is not true, please call my out.

All that being said I think I want to do Ostarine (also known as Enebosarm and MK-2866) because they don't seem to shut down the hormones as much.

Now my question about this, is by doing a SARM, like aas. Will my natural t-levels forever be lowered?

And next question, does that matter that much at 25 when they will naturally drop from here on out.

That all being said. If the above is mostly true. So what should be my plan of action from here?

This was my plan(please critique): I plan on getting my levels checked in two weeks.
Then I plan on cutting while taking Ostarine . I do plan on doing a PCT for this.
Then getting my test levels checked again mayebe doing this at the end of cycle and again after PCT.(If all is okay)
Probably take natty test supplements for a month(off month)
If my body responds well to the above I was planning on doing a moth cycle of LGD-4033

How does this sound?

Other backround information about myself: I'm not into body building. I do strength and conditioning(no not cross fit). I use to do pro brazilian jitsu but then I got injured and have been out of the game for more than a year.

My goals are to either start doing MMA on a pro level, BJJ(not on a pro level, but competing atleast once a month) and some boxing tournaments.

Basically I'm interested in this stuff because I love strength training and love training hard twice a day. But strength is slow on the gains when one is going all out 5 or 6 days a week during sparing. Also the body can't handle the amount of training it takes to be at the top without some help.

I train like a mad-man(or a idiot depending which perspective you take).

I'm thinking HGH increase would be the most useful, but I've read that is not that useful at my age. So my question behind that question is, would taking MK-677 be a waste of money because of my age?

Oh, and I am a complete health nut. I eat fucking credulously healthy(probably better said, ridiculously expensive), I enjoy training till I puke and my sleep is pretty good(meaning 5 nights out the week its good, but often unplanned shit comes up 2 days out of the week.)
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Congrats on showing the maturity to wait. Most consider age 25 to be the right age.

Why not do it right and run a cycle with testosterone (plus ancillaries)? What is your geight, weight and body fat %?

Before you do anything, make sure you get pre-cycle blood work so you know what your healthy Natty baseline is. See my signature below for more on this.
yay now i'm 25!!! when i was 24 and a half my body wasnt ready for steroids but now 6 months later i am ready!!!

lolll you think ANYTHING in your body has really changed even since you were 23
yay now i'm 25!!! when i was 24 and a half my body wasnt ready for steroids but now 6 months later i am ready!!!

lolll you think ANYTHING in your body has really changed even since you were 23

Do some research on brain and endocrine system development. Two additional years is 8% of your life. That is a lot of time and a lot can happen in two years. Sounds like you may need another year or two under your belt though.
yay now i'm 25!!! when i was 24 and a half my body wasnt ready for steroids but now 6 months later i am ready!!!

lolll you think ANYTHING in your body has really changed even since you were 23

I smell jealousy.

Anyway I sorta was asking that in my post. Yes my brain has changed since then, but I also read from sources that its better to wait till 27 because there is still change going on. Any thoughts
Congrats on showing the maturity to wait. Most consider age 25 to be the right age.

Why not do it right and run a cycle with testosterone (plus ancillaries)? What is your geight, weight and body fat %?

Before you do anything, make sure you get pre-cycle blood work so you know what your healthy Natty baseline is. See my signature below for more on this.

Thank you.

I'm going in on the 3rd to see where I am at. I'll post my results and have more questions.