I'm Furious!!!

a friend of mine recently tried to lecture me on steroid use, saying how her professor told her all these facts on how bad they are for your heart and other long term damage, after a while I just gave up. You cant have a logical conversation with people like that. TV said it was bad so it is.
Is it me or do most of you have these type of conversations with women. No matter what you say, quote studies, personal exp., medical findings, etc..., it just goes in one ear and out the other. They are not looking to have an inteligent discussion, where in if they see they are wrong they will change their veiw - just merely preaching a point of view that "they know" is right.
At that point I am forced to bring up the fact that if they are taking birth control, then they too are taking steroids - and are just hypocritical!
It also doesn't help that at my school no one hardley even supports sports, the only muscular people on campus is the few athletes we have, even among our own population realatively speaking to most college athletes aren't big at all. It was funny the other day though, this girl at the bar asked me if I used gear, I said no, she said "why not I condone the use of steroids, they make you friggen huge!" She's from texas and loves football, I guess there can be a corralation drawn there. I'm already 270 with out 'em so maybe I'll pass on them until I'm outta college.
DougoeFre5h said:
Just remember, your opinions are based on facts and (possibly) personal experience, hers are based on sensational media, rumors and ignorance most of all. You dont need literature to sway her opinion, its not your job to make her "see the light". Just pity her and her uninformed viewpoints.

Awesome answer, bro! I also say opinions are like assholes and everyone has one.
truck said:
Ok just got out of one of My Exercise Science Classes and someone brought up steroid use and that if that person mainly in football injured someone that they should be criminaly liable... It didn't stop there. My teacher said ya its the roid rage that causes people to be able to hurt others. I argued that Roid rage is not a truth. And I explained the difference between steroid use and abuse and she said there is no difference. Everyone in the class besides a few others acted like i just set fire to a bible and pissed on it. I argued that there is no evidence that proper steroid use has no negitive effects if managed correctly. She again said there is no such thing as using steroids properly. OOOHHH the ignorence. If anyone has any literature backing the positives or nutrality of steroids I would love to go back to her office and drop the bomb on her. :shoot2: so if anyone has any literature they should email it to me at truck13@cyber-rights.net

Why put yourself on the defensive end of something that is not only illegal, but could have a negative impact with regards to the fact that you ARE defending Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and; therefore, in the eyes of your teacher... taking AAS. She may decide that she is going to "get you help for your own good" if she feels that passionately about it. I would back off. Winning this argument may end up giving you more negative (legal) attention than you want. Pick your battles wisely, bro.
Obviously, if you speak up in favor of steroids or anything related to that, you are going to seem odd to most "normal" people. But that's the price you pay. Sometimes, people who know the truth are seen as odd. I say...Don't back off. If you're going to do that, you might as well shave your labia.
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I always speak up about drug usage.

i just say, ppl can drink alcohol, they can smoke cigarettes, why can't they use weed or use steroids..

weed and steroids aren't even addictive.

some ppl reply back and say,

"they ARE addictive!"

I say
"really? can i see the study that proves that?"

I just make the general point that adults should be able to make adult decisions.

and that the 2 number one killers are alcohol and cigs....

I'm a conservative liberatarian...