Im new to test. and I need HELP!


New member
Hi everyone, I’m new to using forums and this is technically my first post ever.

STATS: 25 years old
Training for 4 years

So I started my first cycle ever 2 weeks ago with test prop 150mg eod. I haven’t noticed anything special except my blood pressure is up and that I’m feeling tired all the time. This is my problem, no energy to do anything. Always sleepy/tired/sluggish. I’ve never felt like this before, I’ve been felling like sh*t for days now, not motivated to lift at all.

I heard that it could be to too much estrogen conversion, and that I might need an AI. If so, does Nolvadex and Clomid help? It’s what I have on hand for now.
Wont kick you while your down but if you know enough to post here when you need help you need to post prior and be prepared. Too many help posts arise when someone needs help rather than inquiring and being prepared for anything that can arise.Definitely get an ai in your system...dont stress.
You need to read the stickies around here first!

You could of got all of these products that you need at once easier and maybe even at a better price! Take a look around here. :D

Please do your research.
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Order some adex now. The lion at the top of the screen will guide you if you have no other source.
As you were told get an AI and now. You should have been on it 1st day. These are some sides of high Estrogen.

High Estrogen Side Effects:- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time
its kinda like an alchoholic calling someone from the bar after he took the first drink to ask for support...ooops!
Because they lower (control) estrogen and they would decrease or eliminate the side effects of high estrogen.
But apparently I need Arimidex or Aromasin...which my source doesn't have.....F**K!
Nolva and clomid are for pct. Look up top at the rui banner for adex. Please read the ology faqs link too...
Because they lower (control) estrogen and they would decrease or eliminate the side effects of high estrogen.
But apparently I need Arimidex or Aromasin...which my source doesn't have.....F**K!

Clomid and Nolva are SERMs which do nothing to lower estrogen levels. They just stop it from binding to estrogen receptors in certain tissues such as the breast.

Aromatase Inhibitors reduce the amount of testosterone that aromatizes (converts) into estrogen. This medication lowers estrogen levels.

Please do some reading so you can learn how the HPTA works and how the medications commonly used in cycles work. It is for your own good.
Oh sorry bro, forgot to reply to your question.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 190
bf%: around 17%

I know that I should cycle when im leaner but I've gained around 30lb of fat in like a month from a long vication (ate like a motherf***er and didnt touch weights). I though if I gained 30lb of fat in a month then I should lose them pretty fast.
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Give yourself a little time to lean out first... Take a couple of weeks and cut.. What's the rush?
Don't stress out man. Listen to those guys, get an ai and do more reasearch. The first cycle I did was with little knowledge. Lesson learned