Importance of diet


New member
what percent out of 100 would u say diet makes up in regard to getting results??

Personally, I can train my ass off at the gym, eat okay:o , and get NO WHERE fast........ I would say diet is 90% of it for ME
yea 90% sounds right. You can train 125% but wont see shit if you eat shit. You can eat clean and not workout and will lean up. Its all about the diet.
I put genetics at 90%. I've met guys before who smoke, eat fried foods and junk food all day, and don't workout that have an incredible base.
100%. I know that for a fact. For a beginner, it doesnt matter, but at some point, it becomes 100%.

If you eat right, you have no choice but to get results.

But thats me. I only grow and see results if im very strict. Some people grow and are not as strict, but thats ok.
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I am gonna have to go with 75%, with ngenetics and hardwork making up the rest. Genetics is huge though, because I too have seen people that eat like crap but look great
Those people piss me off, eat like shit and grow, do all the wrong things and can get away with them. Oh well.
what about some female feedback,, dieting is hard huh ladies... and all year round I might add!!
60%...Eating healthy will keep yuou healthy and thin, but in order to get a builder's physique you must have good training. 1000g protien a day is nothing more than calories for fat if you don't work out.
There is no real percentage for me because if I didn't train then I wouldn't get huge and look good with just diet.

Diet, training, rest, and 'supplements' all work together. Diet is a very important must but without the others there is nothing to show unless I wanted to be a ripped stick.
Mudge said:
There is no real percentage for me because if I didn't train then I wouldn't get huge and look good with just diet.

Diet, training, rest, and 'supplements' all work together. Diet is a very important must but without the others there is nothing to show unless I wanted to be a ripped stick.

I would have to agree that they all work together hand in hand. But you can train your ass off and eat like shit and not get anywhere too!
I really think it depends on your genetics too. I'm one of those people that doesn't have to diet hard to get lean. I just need to clean up the diet to harden up. But, if I don't train, then I lose weight so training and supplementation is equally important for me too. :)
The way I see it building your body is much like building a house.

You can be the most skilled builder (body Builder) around, and have the most cutting edge tools (weights), but if you don't have the right building material (what you eat/sups) you're not going to build anything worth looking at. If all you have to work with is cardboard and tape your house is going to look like a bums no matter how hard you work.

Now if you if look at it from the other end and say, you have the best building material and tools around, but you have no idea, or discipline to do anything with it then it all goes to waste and you're left with the same result, nothing.

So they're both just as important.

Now looking at it from reality. Not all us, such as myself, can afford the best building materials, so you're forced to make small trade offs. Instead of getting the latest and greatest sups. I'll get what I can budget and just make damn sure I don't falter in the gym.

At least that's the way I see it.
Easy to answer.

Took about 6 cycles in the past of mostly test and some other shyt, never dieted. So last year got me some Fina and said let me diet. And from the results i got in 3 months id say its 90%. Yet i dont understand why people dont diet and i see them busting there ass at the abs machine.
I think if ur diet is in check to the balls u dont even need cardio. I did none last year.
I hate when people say hes lean and ripped cause of his genetics. I think thats just an excuse. Genetics definately play a part but i dont think that much as far as getting lean goes. Its all in the diet.

I wouldnt consider myself with good genetics since i was a fat bastard at about 17% bf, going to the gym 6 days a week but not dieting. I say diet is everything............

Pics r in the pic section. with a nice diet got leaned out in 3 months...
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Got Fina? said:
I hate when people say hes lean and ripped cause of his genetics. I think thats just an excuse. Genetics definately play a part but i dont think that much as far as getting lean goes. Its all in the diet.

I wouldnt consider myself with good genetics since i was a fat bastard at about 17% bf, going to the gym 6 days a week but not dieting. I say diet is everything............

Pics r in the pic section. with a nice diet got leaned out in 3 months...

Finally, a guy who agrees with me! Damn right its everything! As long as your diets right, everything else comes easy enough. Great pic by the way! You know your shit and it shows!!!!!!
I think when you first starting working out, diet doesn't really matter. When I first started to hit the weights i didn't know jack shit about diet and I grew like a weed. But the further you progress I think the more important diet becomes. If you want to take physique to another level, I think your diet is what gets you there, not drugs, supplements, or new training routines!
Easto said:
I think when you first starting working out, diet doesn't really matter. When I first started to hit the weights i didn't know jack shit about diet and I grew like a weed. But the further you progress I think the more important diet becomes. If you want to take physique to another level, I think your diet is what gets you there, not drugs, supplements, or new training routines!

Exactly what I said in my first post on this thread...
i agree, diet is 99.9% of any workout regime. for any powerlifter or bodybuilder without the proper amount of protein you wont put on the muscle mass, and if your cutting, you wont lose the weight unless your diet is in check... i dont see how it can be any other way.

my 2 cents :)
w00t said:
i agree, diet is 99.9% of any workout regime. for any powerlifter or bodybuilder without the proper amount of protein you wont put on the muscle mass, and if your cutting, you wont lose the weight unless your diet is in check... i dont see how it can be any other way.

my 2 cents :)

Right on bro. Everything else just comes along if diet is right, and that is that.