Importance of diet

Prana said:
what about some female feedback,, dieting is hard huh ladies... and all year round I might add!!

I hate to admit but I'm the worst at following a strict diet. Sweets likes to say I have the metabolism of a hummingbird. :p

If I'm trying to gain mass I can eat just about anything I want and not gain much fat. Of course I should add I'm not much for sugary foods and I really don't eat much of the traditional "junk". So it's a pretty clean diet, just a lot of food.

I'm currently trying to cut up a bit for summer and following a keto diet. Holy mother it's hard for me!! :eek:

As for the orginal question, regardless of my personal experiences, I'd say diet is everything. Even though I'm an eating machine, junk food just doesn't have a place in my cupboard. A good solid nutrionous diet goes far in helping one achieve their goals
i think its:

1/3 diet
1/3 workout
1/3 genetics

you have to do them all.

one loose end and you're going to lose.

ppl think you can put more weight on one than the other, i've found i need all of them.

you use the first two to make up for the thrid (genetics). we all have some genetic weak spots.

bottom line is, you have to fuel correctly, you have to put tension correctly, and you need some sort of genetic base.
my bro has good genetics... he's 5'9 210lbs (asian) 9-10 bf% 30yrs

his only cycle is test at 500mg a week 6-8 weeks once a year

sample daily intake:
am cereal
noon soup and sandwich
pm meat and veg

other day he will have junk food also

to me that's good genetics
moresize2 said:
my bro has good genetics... he's 5'9 210lbs (asian) 9-10 bf% 30yrs

his only cycle is test at 500mg a week 6-8 weeks once a year

sample daily intake:
am cereal
noon soup and sandwich
pm meat and veg

other day he will have junk food also

to me that's good genetics

To me thats' a waste of good genetics.
WOW rubberduckyo I agree 110%, I would not brag about eating like shit and having good genetics. have alil discipline and see what your genetics are really capable of
I honstly think so many people have really good genetics out there but will never know it because they dont diet.

I think diet will make fatasses look good and make genetically gifted people look insane.

To me it was never how much can u bench?? Who the fuck cares how strong u are if u cant take ur shirt of at the beach???? Its all about the bf% to me. Thats what seperate people that know what theyre doing to to ur average joe at the gym...

I think i could get like 85% of the people in my gym by going to Mcdonalds 5 times a day and lifting heavy. Its very easy.
And i see them walking around in the gym like theyre the shyt. Dude u look like a bag potatoes.

The lifting part in the gym is the easiest 1-2 hours of the day. But i dont think u could fix in 1-2 hours, 22 hours of damage...

Good luck guys and keep dieting..........
WOW rubberduckyo I agree 110%, I would not brag about eating like shit and having good genetics. have alil discipline and see what your genetics are really capable of

Got Fina? said:
I honstly think so many people have really good genetics out there but will never know it because they dont diet.

I think diet will make fatasses look good and make genetically gifted people look insane.

To me it was never how much can u bench?? Who the fuck cares how strong u are if u cant take ur shirt of at the beach???? Its all about the bf% to me. Thats what seperate people that know what theyre doing to to ur average joe at the gym...

I think i could get like 85% of the people in my gym by going to Mcdonalds 5 times a day and lifting heavy. Its very easy.
And i see them walking around in the gym like theyre the shyt. Dude u look like a bag potatoes.

The lifting part in the gym is the easiest 1-2 hours of the day. But i dont think u could fix in 1-2 hours, 22 hours of damage...

Good luck guys and keep dieting..........

Damn couldn't have said it better. Amen