Importance of HCG during a 10 week cycle of Test?


New member
Hello everyone,

My first post, but I been here for a while reading a lot of the information you guys supply. I'll start you guys off with a little bit of information. I am 31 years old, 5'11'' 225lbs about 17% BF. I have been training for 13+ years and am looking to start my first cycle.

Nutrition wise my calories at this moment are about 3000 a day but I plan on bumping them to 4000 for the cycle. I eat 7 times a day with a ratio of 30% protein, 35% fat, 35% carbs. While on the cycle I will up my protein to 40% and lower my fat to 25% and leave carbs at 35

I do have anxiety which is controled with 100mg of zoloft. I haven't had any issues with that as of lately. I also take medication for cystic acne, which is also under control.

My first cycle is going to be as follows:
Test E 200mg twice a week for 10 weeks
Arimidex .1mg ED

Nolva 20mg and Clomid 25mg for six weeks. I will raise both of them the first week and then drop down for the remaining five weeks.

My concern is hCG .. My source says I don't need it and I been telling him I do from all the research. I already have all my gear but I don't want to start anything until I either have the hCG (which is looking like its hard to get) or until I feel I will be safe without it. I have read on this forum that some people believe you will be okay without hCG as long as you don't go past 10 weeks. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance for all of your knowledge.

hcg will make recovery much much easier. you can recover without it but it will be tougher
It's cheap to get. It's benefits far outweigh the negatives.

If you have anxiety, pct will already be tough. Your hormones will be all over the place. I HATE pct. Mentally it's a battle, and I recommend setting yourself up for the best and most effective post cycle. Don't take the risk of shutting down your testicles.
It's cheap to get. It's benefits far outweigh the negatives.

If you have anxiety, pct will already be tough. Your hormones will be all over the place. I HATE pct. Mentally it's a battle, and I recommend setting yourself up for the best and most effective post cycle. Don't take the risk of shutting down your testicles.

That was definitly a concern of mine and appreciate your input. Since my source doesn't want to be bothered with the hCG im stuck to search online and where I see prices threw the roof and then some that are cheap. I can't tell what is good and what is not because this my first time obtaining it.

I agree with your comment tho and I will wait until I obtain the HCG before starting anything. Thanks.
HCG is simply in the base of all my cycles...

Testosterone, an AI and hCG are always the bottom layer of every cycle.

Just as mentioned - it's cheap and it will help you recover...
AND it will keep your balls - "BALLS"... and not turn them into tiny nuts. :Pump:

LOL this was in the deal when I first told my wife I was going to take gear... she said your balls will shrink and I said
NO they won't (I've got that covered) - they might actually be BIGGER! :D
Yes, I remember having this concern when I first began.

Didn't want to do HCG at all, but now it's a MUST have.

Honestly man, some people don't even take PCT meds. No Nova + Clomid and they just let their system reset normally. No advisable.

However, HCG is prime. The first step in recovery is to let testes to grow back to normal size, this is the hardest part on the body. If u run the HCG ur removing this step and all u need to do is reset back to a balanced state. Very important. Even if u choose no PCT, HCG IS MUST.
I can only second what you've read above... HCG became a base for all of my cycles after my 1st cycle.
My nuts went like raisins running my 1st cycle and because of this my recovery took longer.

Before TRT - If I took HCG throughout the cycle, by the time I was 2 weeks into the Clomid on PCT, my nuts were bigger than ever and I was back to functioning normal.

It's inexpensive, easy to mix, a painfree Sub-Q injection - why leave it out?

Thanks for the response gentlemen. I am actually placing an order for hcg soon and won't start my first cycle without it! I'll also start a separate thread on how my cycle is progressing once I start. Thanks again.