Impossible to inject the last 0.15cc


New member
Hi guys
I'm on TRT, using insulin syringe for shallow IM/subq injections. I inject 0.25cc (125mg testosterone E/week)

When I inject the first 0.1cc it goes in smoothly with low pressure on the plunger. But when I reach the final 0.1-0.15 cc it becomes almost impossible to press in. I have to put VERY high pressure on the plunger and I don't want to do that with risk of breaking the needle/shaking it.

Any ideas to what might cause it?
Hi guys
I'm on TRT, using insulin syringe for shallow IM/subq injections. I inject 0.25cc (125mg testosterone E/week)

When I inject the first 0.1cc it goes in smoothly with low pressure on the plunger. But when I reach the final 0.1-0.15 cc it becomes almost impossible to press in. I have to put VERY high pressure on the plunger and I don't want to do that with risk of breaking the needle/shaking it.

Any ideas to what might cause it?

Slin pin? I think that's just too small my friend. You get bigger needle you won't have this problem. Try 23-25gauge needle...with a 3ml barrel.
insulin pins work best for sub q. Unless you very little bf, it isn't getting into a muscle. I have never heard of the problem you are having though. Practice will help.
I use tiny insulin syringes, 5/16, 31g, .3cc. I know exactly what the op is talking about. I finally figured out that some brands of syringe have rubber plungers that interact with certain substances that causes the rubber to soften or swell. If it softens, the rubber squishes under pressure and gets tighter in the barrel.

I determined it wasn't the needle at all. I drew up a tiny bit, and after doing so I could still easily pull the plunger back further. Once I started to inject, say about .1cc or so, it got harder to inject, and if I tried to pull the plunger back at that point it was difficult. So something changed on the plunger to cause it.

I noticed some brands did it, and some didn't. Some brands it feels like the plunger gets stickier as you inject. I have done up to .5cc with insulin syringes that were smooth injections, and other brands it kept stopping and I'd need more pressure to restart it.

I prefer BD for this reason, but you can try different types by ordering online. They're cheap so experimenting to find what works best for you is a few bucks well spent. If you're on TRT invest a few bucks now to find the best because you're going to be doing this a long time. I hope!
I use tiny insulin syringes, 5/16, 31g, .3cc. I know exactly what the op is talking about. I finally figured out that some brands of syringe have rubber plungers that interact with certain substances that causes the rubber to soften or swell. If it softens, the rubber squishes under pressure and gets tighter in the barrel.

I determined it wasn't the needle at all. I drew up a tiny bit, and after doing so I could still easily pull the plunger back further. Once I started to inject, say about .1cc or so, it got harder to inject, and if I tried to pull the plunger back at that point it was difficult. So something changed on the plunger to cause it.

I noticed some brands did it, and some didn't. Some brands it feels like the plunger gets stickier as you inject. I have done up to .5cc with insulin syringes that were smooth injections, and other brands it kept stopping and I'd need more pressure to restart it.

I prefer BD for this reason, but you can try different types by ordering online. They're cheap so experimenting to find what works best for you is a few bucks well spent. If you're on TRT invest a few bucks now to find the best because you're going to be doing this a long time. I hope!

I've been using BD slin pins for TRT for over 6 months with no issue. Give them a shot. ( no pun intended)

I use the 1/2 inch 1cc. They work great for blasts too but takes a bit to fill the pin. I just pull back the plunger and but a bag clip to keep in place :). That way I don't have to sit and hold the damn thing for 10 minutes.
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Nifty trick: Pull back on the plunger and expel the air a few times with the needle still attached. This helps with both slin and barrel syringes as the fit is awfully tight in many cases.

I'm also curious how 0.25cc of testosterone equates to 125mg..? T500 and self administration of "TRT"? Or is this two pins of 250mg/ml stuff? Not picking on anyone, just curious, as the former can cause problems due to higher BA content in such high concentration testosterone blends.
THX for all the replies guys. Im using bd ATM actually! As for the syringe I definitely think you're on to something here Bill! I just recently switched brand and thats when it started to happen!

I will try the airtrick as described by halfwit.

As for the trt, yes it's selfministered :) it,s 0,25cc*2 times a week of 250mg t/ML

Ty everyone!
Hi guys. Unfortunately your trick didn't work halfwit :( Is it possible an air bubble can stop the injection?

Exact same again, I inject 0.1-0.15 cc effortlessly. Then the last 0.1cc is IMPOSSIBLE. I tried to remove the needle and re-inject. And then the last 0.1cc went in effortlessly. Can someone very smart possible find out why ? :D Obviously I can't re-inject everytime...It's still the same substance the second time I inject....So what may the cause? :P Is it some law of physics?

Please help guys!