in with tye new. out with the old


New member
So u feel like all the traditional AAS are a thing of the past. With all the new options of different types of esters attached to the gear. what's people's thought on that. As far as what have you used that you like better that the traditional stuff. I would like to venture out rather that just sticking to the basics that I grew up with.
So u feel like all the traditional AAS are a thing of the past. With all the new options of different types of esters attached to the gear. what's people's thought on that. As far as what have you used that you like better that the traditional stuff. I would like to venture out rather that just sticking to the basics that I grew up with.

Nandrolone being attached to a propionate ester , ie NPP,, is a big advancement then just nandrolone being attached to a decaonate ester, ie Deca,, NPP gives you the opportunity to front load a deca cycle,, or just run NPP itself as a much faster acting "deca"..

Tbone is correct -- the compound is still the compound and choosing an ester is still gonna be done based on how often you want to pin,, But having those ester choices is a good thing IMO ,, and you can really 'tweak' a stack with diff ester options
its not all the same... a shorter ester will impact your biology differently than a longer one..

thats the same thing as saying whether its IIFYM or specific macro timing its the same.. no it isn't.. macro timing is important and can be utilized to your advantage.. just as a short/long estered cycle has its advantages/disadvantages