Here's some recent bloodwork:
TSH: 2.75 uIu/mL
T3 Free: 3.55 PG/mL
DHEA: 213.6 uG/dL
Total Estrogens: 88 pg/mL
Estradiol: 18 PG/mL
Free Testosterone: 62.7 pg/mL
Testosterone: 341.27 NG/dL
Vitamin D3: 45 ng/mL
Prolactin: 10.4 NG/mL
Glucose: 101 MG/dl
A1c: 5.1%
Sodium: 136 MMOL/L
Potassium: 4.2 MMOL/L
Chloride: 99 MMOL/L
C02: 30 MMOL/L
BUN: 8 MG/dL
Creatinine: 0.8 MG/dL
And no I haven't taken a drug version AI before, all I had taken was vitamin E mixed tocopherols which I've read interferes with estrogen synthesis, and I was doing a super low carb diet which I read can mess with thyroid signaling. But I've been having these side effects about 2 weeks now and they keep getting worse.
Your levels aront that bad at all to be honest, an unpopular statement due to people wanting high test levels, but your free test looks decent (how is your sex drive, I'd imagine not bad at all)..I know guys much lower and they feel fine, and their libido is good to go..
Konflict I wouldn't go crazy worrying about the vitamin supplementation effecting estrogen levels, most of that info/data you hear/read regarding estrogen is actually geared to women, so SORRY to say boys, it really has hardly any effect on us men...Sucks , I know..But it's clinical proven to be true...
To be honest, your blood work with the thyroid and test/free test is right where to should be...Its actually not to shabby at all..No one is a Doctor here, and none of us can give you real life advise far as your health is concerned, I would speak more with your specialist, but if it gives you any comfort, your levels aren't out of the ordinary and are rather normal for your age..
I would adjust your diet, do not have any fear with fatty foods oils from nuts ,flax seed,get some omaga's and such..Get some more carbs in there (sugar), you're brain needs sugar, without sugar your brain will not function properly, yielding clogged thoughts like you said, it will hinder your cognitve thought process in so many ways..Sounds to me that you limited your sugar intake to much!
Drink plenty of fluids and go back to the drawling board with your diet...
This all sounds diet related if you ask me..But do continue with a follow up with your phyiscian..