Increased Bathroom urges ?

right so I've been doing absolutely everything to bulk up. training harder and longer and eating bigger and more frequently as well as a couple protein shakes a day. I couldn't tell you exactly what my diet has been as it has varied depending on the bank balance. However I can safely say there's been lots of good quality carbs and lean protein.
What worries me is I have been taking a crap like 4 or 5 times a day now.. does this mean my body is shedding all the nutrients i'm trying to consume and is un-needed? or is this normal?

advice would be great.

its most likely the excess protein your body doesn't need. take it as a good thing provided you don't get the runs and dehydrate.
A regular person with hood fiber intake takes about 3 craps aday..... u r going beast mode on the eating there for u will go beast mode on the toilet. Lots of food in lots of poo out. And with all that protein u probably will b very gasy too.
Your increased bathroom urges is probably caused by unbalanced diet. 4 or 5 times of crap is so much already. You should go for a check-up.
right so I've been doing absolutely everything to bulk up. training harder and longer and eating bigger and more frequently as well as a couple protein shakes a day. I couldn't tell you exactly what my diet has been as it has varied depending on the bank balance. However I can safely say there's been lots of good quality carbs and lean protein.
What worries me is I have been taking a crap like 4 or 5 times a day now.. does this mean my body is shedding all the nutrients i'm trying to consume and is un-needed? or is this normal?

advice would be great.

That's so funny, I'm in the same boat as you, I just didn't know how to come out and say it, I'm craping the same amount as you but my is starting to come out runny, definatley not dehydrated I'm guessing it's the access amount of protein, cause my diet seems to be in check. Hopefully its going to get better soon.