Injectable Anavar...


New member
Has anyone ever had any experience making this compount? Its for me, and not a big deal if you don't know how, I was just curious as to how its done... is it done the same way other base steroids are made? I know var is tricky to get dissolved into liquid products, so I don't know how that will affect making it into a suspension...


because it is a base with a high ass melting point it is one of those ones that is not much fun to attempt. if you wanna give it a shot try the Winstrol (winny) in water recipe. but to be honest it is one of those hormones like dbol that is just as effective orally as IM. if you get it to work it will be ed injects at least. anavar has a half life of about 8 hours. its best if taken 2/d. most 17aa are best used orally just for the convience. unless you like poking that ass a lot. not girl friends either. :D
hahaha... science experiment time!!! LOL I'll order some on my next go around cause I only have a few grams left and we'll see how it goes. I may only shoot for 30mg/ml to start with, this way I can shoot 2x per day (upon waking and in evening) and get my 60mg per day that way! Just wanna see how it works out, but I do agree with you, its pretty much the same orally.

60mg for a guy is kinda low. it works better in the 100 range. it is very mild but very sweet at higher doses. its kinda like eq and deca in that sense. good in high doses but just so so at moderate doses.

anyway let us know how it goes and pain factor, the works.