injecting peg?

thats too much NE hormone to inject. get some arimmex and make an oral solution. 1mg/d works wonders.

no ester or short ester hormones cannot be made with as ahigh a concentration than the long ester hormones. too much pain. suspensions and soultions dont have much to do with the pain factor.

250mg every two weeks = 17mg/d. just do 50mg every third day. if you got it holding at 50mg/ml. whats the half life on that stuff?
Well, it's pathway is a little bit different than most aromatase inhibitors. It irreversably binds to the aromatase enzyme, preventing it from binding to test. After it binds, it takes the body about 10-14 days to naturally metabolize the aromatase out of the body.

I was amazed at the 250ml every two weeks, idea. But I've found medical websites, and bodybuilding websites that agree on the dosage. It's peak consentration in the body occurs roughly 8 hours after administration, and from what I understand, it's pretty fast acting.

It's not an estrogen suppresant, it just prevents the test you do have from aromatizing into estrogen.

The thing that interests me is that for breast cancer patients (that's what it's used for, if patients don't respond to first line, or second line treatment like tamoxifen) are given a "250 ml I.M. injection every two weeks", suggesting that someone has gotton this in a significantly higher consentration.

Specifially, I was hoping for 100 mg/ml
everyone dont need anti E's. some folks can do syno without removing the estrdiol and have no probs. me on the other hand I can look at a bottle of test and get sore nips. you also said you never stuck youself. so you dont know if you gonna need anti e's or not

I dont know where people think they have to take anti Es. the only way to know for sure is to try a cycle and see what happens. if you nips start gettin sore start anti e's. arimidex is used in breast cancer treatment as well.

you said 10-14 to metabolize out of the system. is that completely? if so injects more than every two weeks are needed. sounds to me like once weekly minimum.

sometimes the manufactorer will post the ingredients in the solution. if you can find this you'll have your answer.
Yeah, I've got this as backup, just in case. You can't be too certain, and when the shit hits the fan, you don't want to be stuck without something up your sleeve to defend yourself.

Well, the deactivated aromatase is said to be naturally metabolized out of the system, and it takes a while for that to occur... Because it is a perminant deactivation (unlike armidex, if I remember correctly, it de-activates aromatase, but the bond can become broken, reactivating the enzyme), the active lifespan of the drug is more of a trivial issue, according to the research I've done.

I need to find some non-ghetto supplier of formestane, so I can check out the contents. It seems that every solution I've found is some hack-prohormone company trying to sell their really expensive "Super mega P.C.T. aromatase inhibitor test booster 3000"
I was thinking about doing it once per week, anyway. Although, I wouldn't do more than 250 per week, because studies indicate that higher concentrations have no direct effect on serum estrogen (or aromatase) suppression.

Some folks have gone as high as 1000 mg per week, with the aim to study the effects of higher dosages. This has been observed on both cancer patients, and atheletes, alike.

Something I like about formestane, though, is it's very easily procurable, and it's legal.
sounds like you done you home work. good luck and keep us posted.

arimidex can be purchased for "research only" legally along with several other products. nolvo, clo, igf-1, etccc........
ld50 said:
they do not hold together in solution, however they can be mixed together, regardless of temp, for the purpose of injecting. this "mixing" is just a matter of shaking the bottle before drawing.


ld50 said:
yeah, oral is easy and all, but making an injectable Winstrol (winny) that is relatively pain free AND stays in solution has become my holy grail. I've got the "stays in solution" part down :D

I gave up on figuring it out myself and bought a bunch of Mr.T's supersolvent. I am holding Winstrol (winny) in oil at 50mg no problem and relatively painless.
dude2003 said:

I gave up on figuring it out myself and bought a bunch of Mr.T's supersolvent. I am holding Winstrol (winny) in oil at 50mg no problem and relatively painless.

First off, that is great for you. It pisses me off because my FIRST batch of Winstrol (winny) was Mr. T's Supersolvent. :mad: It was after that that I started working on my own recipe.

I made about 3g with his pecipe, so I used it, but I had to reheat it every morning before injection. Worked great, but was a pain in the ass.

Figuring out my own Winstrol (winny) is just a hobby, something to do to say I did it. I haven't worked on it in three mo though, because I am off, and can't do "trial injections" right now.

anyway, congrats on getting it to work.

Later this year...
ld50 said:
First off, that is great for you. It pisses me off because my FIRST batch of Winstrol (winny) was Mr. T's Supersolvent. :mad: It was after that that I started working on my own recipe.

I made about 3g with his pecipe, so I used it, but I had to reheat it every morning before injection. Worked great, but was a pain in the ass.

Figuring out my own Winstrol (winny) is just a hobby, something to do to say I did it. I haven't worked on it in three mo though, because I am off, and can't do "trial injections" right now.

anyway, congrats on getting it to work.

Later this year...

send it to me and i'll do the trials for ya. i mean my cat will.