Input on my Test/Deca cycle!!


New member
Sup all, this will be my 3rd go around on gear. First one was dbol + test e for 14 weeks which was amazinggggg. Learned a lot from it too on what works and what doesn't. 2nd cycle was just a simple 12 week test prop only cycle from AML, which was very nice. Learned what it feels like to be a pin cushion lol. So now that summer's done and over with, i'd like to bulk up a bit during the winter and have decided to go with Test cyp and Deca.

i'm 29, 177-180lbs, 5"9, 15-16%bf. I'd like to get so about 200lbs. I will be running AML's Decatest blend

Cycle will go as follows:

1-14: Decatest (150ml of Test cyp per CC/100ml of Deca per CC) - taking 2cc's twice a week = 600 test / 400 deca per week.
15-16: test prop 100ml EOD


100/50/50/50 clomid, and 40/40/20/20 of nolva

Aromasin will be taken 12.5mg EOD

I need something for progesterone control incase something happens, i would prefer caber but cant get a hold of it. I will probably have to get Prami from RUI. If anyone can point me to right direction thru PM for caber i'd appreciate it.

Also, the reason for prop is i need to cut the deca 2 weeks short but i cannot with the decatest blend obviously. I have some spare Prop kicking around and I was wondering if this would be possible to substitute it in like so. Or should i just go order some more test cyp and run that for the 2 remainder weeks, then do the traditional PCT 2 weeks after that?

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damn, sorry i didn't notice the mistake i made on my post. I really meant, i would be doing prop on the 15th & 16th week.

I don't think it was a mistake. I would think starting prop the last week of the decatest would give it time to kick in by the time you end the decatest. Plus maybe keeping your bloods stable. Not sure because i havent done it like this but just a thought
Looks good to me man. Prami works great by the way. I find that the only reason why folks tend to shy away from prami is because of the potential nausea, which can be helped by taking it at night with a small meal and starting with very small doses such as .25mg EOD. Your tactic of ending the cycle on prop is actually pretty good and may even help your recovery time as you are cutting down the ester time for clearance of the cypionate by 2 weeks. (By injecting prop instead of cypionate during the last two weeks that is.)

I do advise getting a blood panel if you're able from places such as mid-cycle so you can know FOR SURE that your dose of aromasin is effective. I know far too many guys that thought 12.5mg ED was enough; only to find out they needed upwards of 37.5mg ED to keep their estradiol in check.

Otherwise, looks like a good cycle. :bigok:

My .02c :)
Looks good to me man. Prami works great by the way. I find that the only reason why folks tend to shy away from prami is because of the potential nausea, which can be helped by taking it at night with a small meal and starting with very small doses such as .25mg EOD. Your tactic of ending the cycle on prop is actually pretty good and may even help your recovery time as you are cutting down the ester time for clearance of the cypionate by 2 weeks. (By injecting prop instead of cypionate during the last two weeks that is.)

I do advise getting a blood panel if you're able from places such as mid-cycle so you can know FOR SURE that your dose of aromasin is effective. I know far too many guys that thought 12.5mg ED was enough; only to find out they needed upwards of 37.5mg ED to keep their estradiol in check.

Otherwise, looks like a good cycle. :bigok:

My .02c :)

Thank you brutha!! Yeah, i definitely fall into that category that is shying away from Prama due to the potential sides that some get. I managed to get some Caber though, so all is good.
I thought about it and ending the cycle with prop made sense to me, but I wasn't too sure if it was right, glad to get a second opinion! :)

Unfortunately, i'm in Canada, and from what I understand, we can't send blood to there :( (correct me if i'm wrong). I also don't want to go to my doc for obvious reasons. I wish there was a private lab in canada as well.

Thanks for taking the time to look over my cycle bro!
Thank you brutha!! Yeah, i definitely fall into that category that is shying away from Prama due to the potential sides that some get. I managed to get some Caber though, so all is good.
I thought about it and ending the cycle with prop made sense to me, but I wasn't too sure if it was right, glad to get a second opinion! :)

Unfortunately, i'm in Canada, and from what I understand, we can't send blood to there :( (correct me if i'm wrong). I also don't want to go to my doc for obvious reasons. I wish there was a private lab in canada as well.

Thanks for taking the time to look over my cycle bro!

Yeah, I wish I knew how to get private blood tests for my brothers up north. I know a few guys that live near the border and they make a trip to the States to do this, but if you're further up north I can't see this being practical. Hopefully another Canadian that has discovered a way to do this can chime in.

Definitely looks like you're set for a good experience though! :agreed:
Just an update, i decided to use dbol as a kicker despite knowing the potential bloat that comes with it. I just fucking love dbol, what can i say lollll.. I'm on top of my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), drinking a lot of water and keeping sodium to a minimum to keep things are tight as possible.

And for anyone that is wondering how AML's dbol is..... it's good to go lol. I wasn't sure either how it was gonna be since last time i took dbol it was the thai Danabol blue hearts and they are the fuckin business lolll..
I started getting better pumps in 5 or 6 days tops, and since then strength has steadily been rising in all lifts. Body is looking more muscular and developed, not fatty. Pumps are ridiculous.
Riding the dbol train for 4-5 weeks tops, then wait for the Test to slowly take over. Last time i took a slow ester(enanthate), i started feeling it around the end of the 8th week, so i'm not gonna get ansy this time.

Oh and AML's decatest is pretty silky thin, not thick. Flows through a 25g just fine. PIP is minimal as well. Their prop kicked my ass the first few pins lol.

Alright, that is all, good night