Instructions for 500mg/mL testosterone enanthate, 500mg/mL boldenone undecylenate


Tan Gun Tiger
These instructions are for 20 grams of testosterone enanthate and 12.5 grams of boldenone undecylenate.

Testosterone enanthate for 20 grams

1.a. Take a 100mL mixing vial and fill it with 40mL of ethyl alcohol. Mark the 40mL level on the outside of the vial. Empty vial and make sure all of the alcohol has evaporated. I use a lighter to burn out the alcohol gas. Don't get your face too close to the opening of the vial when you do this.

1.b. Take your 20 grams of testosterone enanthate which comes sealed well in a small plastic bag, and place it in warm water until it becomes liquid. Cut a small corner (1/8") off of the plastic bag, and gently squeeze the test oil into the mixing vial. Make sure to get as much of it as possible out of the baggie. Place the rubber stopper back on the mixing vial.

1.c. Draw out your sterile peanut or sesame oil with a large size syringe, and fill the mixing vial up to the marked 40mL level. Heat at 275 degrees (with syringe needle in the top of the stopper to relieve pressure) for 30 minutes. Allow to cool until the mixture is about 85 degrees.

1.d Draw out the mixture and filter (Whatman sterile syringe filters) into your 50 mL storage vial.

Makes 40mL at 500mg/mL

Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) for 12.5 grams

1.a. Take a 100mL mixing vial and fill it with 25mL of ethyl alcohol. Mark the 25mL level on the outside of the vial. Empty vial and make sure all of the alcohol has evaporated. I use a lighter to burn out the alcohol gas. Don't get your face too close to the opening of the vial when you do this.

1.b. Take your 12.5 grams of boldenone undecylenate oil which comes sealed well in a small plastic bag. Cut a small corner (1/8") off of the plastic bag, and gently squeeze the boldenone undecylenate oil into the mixing vial. Make sure to get as much of it as possible out of the baggie. Place the rubber stopper back on the mixing vial.

1.c. Draw out your sterile peanut or sesame oil with a large size syringe, and fill the mixing vial up to the marked 25mL level. Heat at 275 degrees (with syringe needle in the top of the stopper to relieve pressure) for 30 minutes. Allow to cool until the mixture is about 85 degrees.

1.d Draw out the mixture and filter (Whatman sterile syringe filters) into your 50 mL storage vial.

Makes 25mL at 500mg/mL

Neither testosterone enanthate nor boldenone undecylenate require benzyl alcohol or benzyl benzoate as they are both soluble in oil.
nice post, do you not use any BA or BB for ethenate or EQ? I have cyp with very little alcohol at 300mg/ml and Im having trouble with it crashing. Nothing seriouse but its a pain. But I do know of people without using any for cyp and ethenate and not crashing
test enanthate and deca need no solvent as they have very low melting points. EQ, not base, is liquid at room temperature and is even easier. I use some BA to make me feel better, but you don't need it.
i would think at 500mg/ml you would need some BA/BB.... but ive never done it
im gonna make some deca at ~450mg so i'll see... for reg dosed enan and 300mg EQ i still use 3% BA and 5% BB to make sure....