insulin and food


New member
I was curious about using insulin and meals. I'm wondering how breakfast and lunch should look if you're using it 3 times a day at roughly 10 - 15 ius for each shot? One shot at breakfast one at lunch and one post workout
well the way i decided to run insulin is 2x per week and 3x per day at 15ius per shot. I know that with humalog you're suppossed to ingest roughly 5-10 gms per iu of fast acting high glycemic carbs about 15 minutes after the shot and then a high carb high protien low fat meal an hour after. My question is does this sound spot on and isn't that a lot of sugar to ingest in one day?
I think its 10g of simple carbs for every 1iu of insulin. But there is not too this than that. For example, you might want to avoid fats altogether on days when you are using insulin.

We're happy to help as much as we can, but I know that my knowledge here is limited. You really would be best to have your insulin cycle managed by somebody that has experience working with lifters and their insulin cycles.

I'm sure DirkMoneyshot, our mod in the diet forum, has experience here. Not sure if he doesn't his thing online or not.

At the very least, you might want to make a post into that forum about what kind of diet works with with an insulin cycle.

I have a hard enough time keeping my blood sugar up without exogenous insulin for some almost every time I do squats now. I'll often loose some hearing or vision even....scary shit.
I don't claim to be an insulin afficionado, but I have run it a few times. I'm curious as to why you intend on running it the way you have outlined?

I would only use insulin post-workout. That's when your muscles are screaming for goodies in the form of glycogen, protein, and creatine. More nutrients will be shuttled into the muscles when using it post-workout; conversely using it randomly throughout the day will increase the likelihood that more of these nutrients get stored as adipose tissue, even if your diet is clean and close to perfect.

Believe me, if you intend on using it, only use it post-workout.
thats just the method that seems to come up frequently and from what i have heard it's been pretty successful so i thought i would try. I've heard that using insulin any more than 2-3 times per week leads to insensitivity.
I'm not quite sure I understand that logic. For instance, if you workout five times per week, you'll be using it 5x per week. If you use it the way you've constructed, you'll be using it 6x per week in a less effective manner IMO.