Intentions pertaining to reintegration

Mr. Humdiddly

Knowledge Receptacle
Salutations Ology,

Consensus dictates a degree of mystery pertaining to my sudden dissapearence on ology. As some of you are aware prior to my proverbial "hiatus" I was working on the C100 project with regards to the eradication of ester delivery systems. To be brief I was selected to undertake progressive research in a secure facility. To my elation my contract is now complete and I have ascertained freedom from scutiny regarding my digital "associations". I bring an increased knowledge receptacle with regards organic chemistry I hope to share with my ology brothers and sisters.


Mr. Humdiddly
Glad to hear you can now play on the boards as you're no longer on a monitored line. Nice to see someone with an organic chem background offering up his knowledge "receptacle" to the masses. ;) Are you able to go into the results of your ester-less delivery systems by chance? That sounds very intriguing. :D