Interesting Article on Tocotrienols!


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Considering the effect AAS have on cholesterol levels I thin this is a great supplement to take to combat the damage AAS does to lipid profiles. I think this alongside poliscosanol, apple pectin, vitamin c, NAC, Green tea would work very well/

"The first clinical study on tocotrienols was in 1991 at the University of Wisconsin. Patients initially received 200 milligrams per day of a mix of tocotrienols and tocopherols. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol dropped 15***8211;22 percent and 10***8211;20 percent, respectively. However, 15 percent of the patients did not show improvement. The researchers decided to continue these patients on a purely delta- and gamma-tocotrienol supplement (at 100 milligrams per day). After four weeks on these tocotrienols, total cholesterol in these initially non-responsive patients had dropped 35***8211;40 percent!"

"The annatto preparation contains exclusively tocotrienols, with no tocopherols to interfere. And it is almost 100 percent gamma- and delta-, the forms that work best of all. In 1993, a Bristol Meyers Squibb internal study found that 100 milligrams per day of delta- and gamma-tocotrienol reduced total and LDL cholesterol by 20 ***8211;25 percent and triglycerides by 15***8211;20 percent. The delta-tocotrienol was the most effective of the tocotrienols."

like statins, tocotrienols down-regulate the liver pathway from HMGR (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase). Statins not only block cholesterol synthesis, they (unfortunately) block other products of this pathway important for health, such as coenzyme Q10. Unlike statins, the tocotrienols ***8220;dial down***8221; cholesterol production without side effects. The delta- and gamma-tocotrienols subtly affect the genes that program HMGR. Delta-tocotrienol also uniquely down-regulates ***8220;SREBPs***8221; (sterol regulatory element-binding proteins), cell membrane factors that naturally regulate other genes linked to low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This effect also may down-regulate harmful triglyceride synthesis***8212;very important to help prediabetic and diabetic conditions. Other than delta-tocotrienol, none of the other seven vitamin Es substantially regulate the SREBPs. In short, delta-tocotrienol and gamma-tocotrienol exclusively fine-tune cholesterol synthesis as well as triglyceride synthesis***8212;a positive double-whammy for human health.

"PK: But Barrie, do the tocotrienols block the body***8217;s coenzyme Q10 production, like statins do?

BT: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a really important cell membrane nutrient. In the various tocotrienol clinical studies, patients did not show any bad effects related to statin inhibition of CoQ10 synthesis. We found that gamma- plus delta-tocotrienols actually increased CoQ10 levels, by up to 20 percent. This CoQ10 increase has been confirmed in other studies."
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