That was a great read Diz. Thanks brother! What never ceases to amaze me, is how ludicrous the anti-anabolic gangs arguement to the dangers of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) keep becoming. Case in point:
"Death by adverse reaction is one of the leading causes of death in America. It may be the sixth leading cause of death in America. That is scary," Hollander explains. "Steroids have many documented side effects, and there is no one who has 30- or 40-year studies on the stuff. We know that prostate cancer is the number-one cancer for men each year and it's related to a man's own testosterone. So by exposing men to exogenous steroids, which are mimics of testosterone, are we going to have a growing army of prostate cancer [patients] in 10 or 20 years?"
Adverse reactions to prescribed drugs are the sixth leading cause of death in the USA. Steroids have side-effects...therefore they are too dangerous to be prescribed, according to the jist I received from the above fellows statement. From where I am standing though, this fucking tard just made an arguement for making every substance on the globe illegal. Side-effects are a part of putting basically
anything foreign, into your body. Drink Milk and are lactose-intolorant, and your gut gets upset. Eat peanuts if you are allergic, and you could get hives. Swallow a giant wad of Bubbleicious, and you might have to eventually have that fucker removed with a hoover deluxe in the ER. So make them all illegal according to this moron, for safeties sake. I believe the guy was a Doctor too, which olny goes to show that you can be booksmart and still be a total nincompoop. I guess since some people can die from bee-stings, that we should get the green berets involved in their erradication as well, if it were up to this shmuck.
The arguements on the positive effects related to anabolic steroids are becoming so abundant, not to mention logical, that it is making it difficult for those wishing that steroids stay
criminalized, to avoid looking foolish in argueing their views to the contrary. Still though, the song will undoubtably remain the same, legally speaking. Nothing will be done. Nothing will change. Steroids will continue to be illegal & demonized by the media, and the public will continue to believe exactly that, for the most part. Quite frankly, if you took a Gallop Poll asking people "do you think that steroids kill", I would be willing to bet that the amount of those polled responding with "yes" could be as high as 90%. Maybe higher. Why? The TV. It is the publics only outlet for information, unless they decide to see for themselves what the real deal is on Steroids(or any subject really). We all know what type of angle people are fed about gear from the media too, don't we? All negative. Negativity sells. Why the fuck do you guys think there is so much more negative than positive news pieces on TV anyhow? Danger sells. Scare tactic SELL. NEGATIVITY SELLS! It's that simple. So if the public has access to only one information outlet, and that information outlet is feeding them a negative angle, then that is what they will believe. The only people having opinions to the contrary are the ones with personal experience, or those who might be reseacrhing the subject and find a different outlet to do just that, rather than just the usual gear bashers viewpoints that are so prevelant. Those with positive viewpoints on steroids are WAY outnumbered by those who have views to the negative though, which makes it difficult for a person doing reaseach to find unbiased info. In other words, the only people with the real skinny on roids fellas is us. Our little community. And we aint exactly U.A.W either, where we could have enough voice to contribute to any sort of change. Sucks eh?!
More than just that, I really don't think that Steroids are on the minds of many people to be a drug that they would even waste time educating themselves about, even if it were coming from a politicain trying to convince Mr. or Ms. American Voter that they have benefits, and should be decriminalized or simply made to be more easily accessable to those who wish to use them. I mean, it isn't like a politicain campaigning for office is going to win or lose an election on the basis of that arguement. So why even bother?! It can only hurt that person really, since a politicain campaigning for whatever office, who might want to educate people that decriminalizing these substances will save them tax money, and would benefit millions, would only be stamped as "soft on drugs/crime" by his or her competitor. Given that the general public is uneducated(or miseducated really) and think that these fucking substances kill, it could cause unwanted flack for the person who's trying to do the educating. I know of no politicain that would bother risking it.
I always feel a sense of redemtion when I see someone in the media putting the truth about steroids into print. I feel like someone has my back, to support the shit I have been spewing to friends & family for years now. However I take it with a grain of salt, knowing that it will do nothing to change things.
O well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go put one in. Thanks again Diz!