Intro and few questions I couldn't find the answers to.


New member
Quick intro: Been a member for 9 months and have been doing noting but reading and paying attention to who seems to know their stuff. Thanks to all those that post and share their knowledge and experience.

Quick stats: Male, 28yrs, 5'10" 228lbs at 15% bf. Been lifting for 8 years. I would not consider myself a body builder. Nothing against it and those that train that way but it just isn't what I do. As you can tell by my stats i'm not shredded but again thats not really what my aim is. I maybe fit more into the power lifter model, I dunno. My best lifts include a 365 bench, 415 squat and 405 deadlift.

Here is the question. after considering this for about a year now I have decided I would like to get on the gear and see what it can do for me. However, I have not committed to the idea of getting on gear and just running with it. My plan was to do a cycle and then probably a second cycle sometime after and be done with it. At my age and training experience I just want to push it and see what the gear does.
My job is very physically demanding and my plan was to be big and strong with a shift in ideals by around the time I reached 30 (maybe 35). At that point I can see myself trying to lean out more and focus more on cardiovascular endurance and conditioning.

I guess what I am looking for is opinions on the matter. Is it worth it all if I am only committed (initially) to run a cycle or two and preserve what I can from the gains? Does anyone believe it will be too hard to give up the gear after checking it out?

I have most certainly checked out the sticky's and read the checklists but the above questions remain.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
I'm really not sure what you are asking?

Are you gonna gain a lot of mass that you are going to be able to keep? Yes of course you are. As long as you keep lifting and training you will be much bigger after a couple of cycles.

Are you gonna be able to quit using after doing two cycles? If thats what you want to do then yea. I'm not sure why you would want to take the plunge then go back, but you can do whatever the hell you want brother. It kind of sounds to me like a girl thats fucked 2 guys but then wants to wait till marriage.

Is it worth it? Thats all up to you. It's all about the pro's and con's. The pro's are obvious with larger muscles, better appearance, and stronger lifts. The con's are gonna be post cycle therapy (pct) bllows, but thats temporary. There could be a possibility of a high bp or lipid problem that you will have to take care of but these are also temporary. The biggest permanent problem you could have is it causing low T, but you could already have it or be prone to it. Fully recovering is different for each person but if you do a proper post cycle therapy (pct) you should be fine.

In the end it's all up to you though. Just make sure you are fully educated before you make either decision.
appreciate the response. To make it a little more clear I was enquiring about the mind f*ck that might come along with quitting cycles. Of course I will continue train and lift and my goal would be to keep the gains as best as I could. But what does it do to you mentally when you go offf the gear and start to see your numbers drop and your size diminish a bit. I imagine it sucks and I am wondering if people have struggled with that in the past. Does it just lead to more and more cycles with heavier and heavier doses and stacking things on top of each other to Nth degree? Or conversely does anyone have experience just sucking it up, staying tight and as strong as possible all while getting smaller. Of course the third option is to maintain doing cycles and staying about the same size and strength but eventually you have to go in either direction. I get that we all grow old but does that aspect hit you way harder if have used gear and then stopped?
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The mind fuck really comes in post cycle therapy (pct). When you are lifting and eating your ass of too see yourself getting smaller and weaker. It sucks but it's part of the game.

People have the tendency to think you have to add more gear or higher doses to keep growing, Which is totally wrong! Diet and routine can play a much bigger roll in this than higher doses.