IP yellow winny tabs?

J steel

New member
My friend gave me for very cheap some IP Winstrol (winny) tabs. They are yellow pentagons with a score on one side. He told me they are 50mg a tab. Does this sound legit to you guys? I did a search and saw something that said the pentagons are only 5mg and the octagons are the 50mg ones. Whats the truth!?
if they are real they are 5mg stanabol tabs (winstrol). they are good, i took 10 a day for 50 days
whoa.....i'm gettin a lot of conflicting answers here.

they are scored on one side, and completely smooth on the other.

if they are the 5mg tabs..........its worthless to me, I only have 50 of them, so 10 days is shit. if they were the 50mg tabs, i couldve run a good six or seven weeks.

and if im not mistaken, arent anabol's pink? and it better not be dbol, i had to quit that in the beginning of this cycle (Denkall 10mg) due to gyno problems...........and ya know what, ever since I started these in week 7 (the yellow tabs) my gyno has flared up again and Ive had to load up on nolva to keep it under control.

maybe i should just stop these.
why would you start taking something if you don't know what it is?


p.s. not BD if there is not a '50' on one side of the tab.
dirty- he's a trusted friend, but its still ignorance on my part. i knew IP made yellow Winstrol (winny) tabs..........out of curiousity i was just searching on this and other boards.........to my dismay is see that not all of them were 50mg tabs.

anyway, can anyone else confirm what these are dosed at.........if they even are winny?
J steel said:
dirty- he's a trusted friend, but its still ignorance on my part. i knew IP made yellow Winstrol (winny) tabs..........out of curiousity i was just searching on this and other boards.........to my dismay is see that not all of them were 50mg tabs.

anyway, can anyone else confirm what these are dosed at.........if they even are Winstrol (winny)?

IP dont make yellow Winstrol (winny). from IP's list " Winstrol,stanozolol 50mg,blue"

And as dirty-dog said you should have never started taking them, or even purchased them if you dont know what they are.
Post a pic if you can.
Wartime100 said:
They are most likely 5 mg stanabols that he tried to pass of as 50's. The 50 mg are larger and octogon shaped.

anyone have pics of both the 5mgs and 50mgs? these are a waste now at 5mgs....i have enough for 10 days... LOL :rolleyes:
Wartime100 said:
They are most likely 5 mg stanabols that he tried to pass of as 50's. The 50 mg are larger and octogon shaped.

I agree with this. I've gotten these before and what you are describing is 5mg stanabol pills. aren't there any experts that could chime in here? bump for more opinions
they sound like API 5 mg Winstrol (winny) tabs to me ..
They look identical to the pink ties but there winny...
I have them on hand thats how i know...