is 1500mcg GHRP2 too much?


New member
i've never tried peptides and i wanna have a go with some GHRP 2 and see what it does to me i've heard decent stuff about it. i'm planning on doing 500mcg 3x a day is this too much or even pointless? because i know that more gear doesnt always mean more results
200mcg is over kill. Ghrp2 is strong, there's no need to go over 100mcg buddy. What are you run ing it with? What are your plans cutting or bulking?

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Each person has a saturation level. I believe that ghrp2 and 6 have a level of something approx 100-150mcg before you get into side effects like cortisol and / or waste. I think ipam can be used at higher dosage. Maybe start low and see effects. It's not a race. If it takes 6 months to build what u want no worry. U should be able to keep the gains assuming eating correctly. I would personally use minimum effective dosage always.
I just seen your other post and seen you're prepping for a show. Igf1-lr3 cuts you down really well, I start at 70mcg of igf1-lr3 and pin ghrp2 and cjc 1295 pw & bed. That works really well. Most people usually run igf1-lr3 and then swap to ghrh ghrp after. I've also cycled back and forth from ghrh & ghrp then to igf1-lr3. Ipam is the only one people typically run at 200.

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200mcg is over kill. Ghrp2 is strong, there's no need to go over 100mcg buddy. What are you run ing it with? What are your plans cutting or bulking?
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neither. im recovering from a tendon surgery and i figure this would help. i'm already using tb500 but i want to use something else. wish i could afford GH cause i have a legit pfizer source.
S4 helps connective tissue also, worth looking into. Yeah man a stack of ghrp2 with cjc 1295 3x a day @ 100mcg would start to work in about 2 weeks. S4 takes about 2 weeks also to see help with tendon issues. I think that'd be a really good stack for you man. I had tendon issues in my wrist it was horrible, s4 and peps is what got me right again.
I was also getting steroid shots and prednisone which sucked bad. Out of everything I took the S4 pep stack was the best.
S4 helps connective tissue also, worth looking into. Yeah man a stack of ghrp2 with cjc 1295 3x a day @ 100mcg would start to work in about 2 weeks. S4 takes about 2 weeks also to see help with tendon issues. I think that'd be a really good stack for you man. I had tendon issues in my wrist it was horrible, s4 and peps is what got me right again.
I was also getting steroid shots and prednisone which sucked bad. Out of everything I took the S4 pep stack was the best.
s4? when i searched s4 all i got is that stuff for your hair and andarine lol. what is the chemical name ?
Bone- if u could give some feedback on S4 I would appreciate. U took this with testosterone or is that overkill? S4 for tendon supplement sounds interesting.

Dosage rates and frequency.
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S4 is somewhere between tbol and anavar in results. It's clinically proven to improve connective tissues. I've been told I run it lower then some people but it works very well for me, I start off at 25mg and usually work up to 75mg and sometimes 100mg depending on how long I run it. It has a 6 hour life so i dose twice a day on a empty stomach. I prefer to try and time the second preworkout because the immediate strength gains are out of control, and endurance for cardio is endless. I have a log with pics of my last run. I leaned out a lot and packed on tons of beef.
Bone- if u could give some feedback on S4 I would appreciate. U took this with what tosterone or is that overkill? S4 for tendon supplement sounds interesting.

Dosage rates and frequency.

I'm on trt buddy so I'm always on. It's slightly suppressive so you'd have to run a pct after but it's not nearly as hard to recover from as most aas. I usually bump from 200 to 500mg when i run ssomething though. They have a few different sarms s4 is just my favorite. Are you looking to bulk or cut? I'm running lgd right now and it'spretty damn good too.

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^---------- had surgery out a few months came back to the gym and done 6 weeks of s4 from Sarmsearch
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