Is 4cal/gram for carbs/proteins an exact number?


New member
I'm asking this because I've heard some people saying carbs and proteins have 5cal/g and also..when reading the nutrient info for certain things I buy and do my 4/4/9 calorie doesn't add up properly. Does anyone know if these 4,4,9 numbers are exact? or are they just approximations?
StanleyYelnats said:
They are all exact. Where the heck do you come up with 5 cal/gram???

Well it would appear your the idiot-

They are not exact- Far from it.

5 kcal / gram of protein is probably pretty close- However because of metabolic process in the body we are not able to actually use the full potential. Because of this we are closer to 4 kcals / gram. The various types of carbs will vary from 3.6 - 4.1.

However for mathematical sake they are rounded to 4 kcal (pro/carb) and 9 for (fat)
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romaxe said:
good article..thanx

Appreciate that-

Just a word to the wise. There are plenty of idiots on these boards that DO NOT know shit!! They are individuals that read some lame "internet" article and think thats the holy grail to the truth.

Do your own research and question everything!!!