is creatine mono obsolete now?

Future Prodigy

New member
I have not done alot of research into the new creatine brands and just browsing the topics now there is all this talk of CEE and other kinds. Is mono considered shit now? Thats what i got and is always the cheapest.
No....Mono is so cheap now, I don't see it going away. In fact, after using CEE for the past year, I switched back to mono for a few months to save some $$$. So far, I have seen no difference in my strength.

My 2 cents....

Im only a few days into CEE and i love it. You can pick up like 1000g of CEE for 30 bucks... Never had a problem with mono though, just believe CEE is definetly a step forward. And anything that smells/tastes as bad as CEE has to do something good.
I like Mono, I still use it to this day. CEE is okay too, but since Monohydrate is so cheap, I buy tons of it. I don't feel much of a difference between the two either.
I think once the body is loaded with's simply a matter of maintaining it. So..because on the mono you need to load...starting with the CEE and maintaining with the mono would probably be the best bang and buck. but personally...the mono is so chalky and does upset my stomach