OP, you said "Since they both have the same ingredients." which that very statement means you answered your own question. To paint the sky blue, yes they are the same.
Lol. I know. But didnt know if had a difference in some aspect. Because i stated im taking hdrol for first cycle and someone told me take helladrol instead
Lol. I know. But didnt know if had a difference in some aspect. Because i stated im taking hdrol for first cycle and someone told me take helladrol instead
I did take androstenedione before but saw no gains with it. And didnt take a serm with it or pct. Im glad i found this site im learning alot. I wna do it safe and correctly
if it's halodrol then it should state somewhere on the supp-facts
if not, u arn't taking H-drol...
i say this because some companies put out products under the name or a similar name even when there is just cheap DHEA and Arachidonic Acid...of course im not picking on any company in particular *COUGHGASPARICOUGH*....
haha no jk...yeah i know, it's legit, many times though people call it Hdrol because it's easier. it's interchangable...
technically and chemically the name on the bottle is irrelavent though :/ for the reason i stated in my last post. whats more important is whats on the sup facts on the back
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