Hi, guys! I'm 20 years old, 5 foot 7, 168 lbs. Been lifting on and off for 2 years
I've been doing a pretty simple cycle:
week 1-12: 500 mg test cypionate + 500 mg Boldenone (both from Genesis Laboratories)
week 12-13: nothing
PCT (week 13-16): nolvadex 40/20/20
I eat 6 meals/day and train 5 days/week. Always eat clean.
Anyway, I'm in week 4 and since I started injecting cypionate I'm experiencing some bad insomnia - I sleep 3h a night. only at weekends I can replace energy with a 6-8h sleep. I've been experiencing morning sickness, loss of apetite and nausea (I'm a guy, so I'm not pregnant bros!! ). Gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks and some strengh, but I can't keep up with the diet due to the nausea, but i eat until i literally vomit. Do you guys think it may be fake gear or Genesis is a bad lab?
I'll post pictures of the cypionate:
I've been doing a pretty simple cycle:
week 1-12: 500 mg test cypionate + 500 mg Boldenone (both from Genesis Laboratories)
week 12-13: nothing
PCT (week 13-16): nolvadex 40/20/20
I eat 6 meals/day and train 5 days/week. Always eat clean.
Anyway, I'm in week 4 and since I started injecting cypionate I'm experiencing some bad insomnia - I sleep 3h a night. only at weekends I can replace energy with a 6-8h sleep. I've been experiencing morning sickness, loss of apetite and nausea (I'm a guy, so I'm not pregnant bros!! ). Gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks and some strengh, but I can't keep up with the diet due to the nausea, but i eat until i literally vomit. Do you guys think it may be fake gear or Genesis is a bad lab?
I'll post pictures of the cypionate: