Is it bad to buy a ton of gear all at once?

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Mini Rocky
Im not too worried about the feds busting into my house because of AAS. But my next cycle is coming up shortly and I will have around 10 vials of gear + PCT and HCG. I was wondering if buying it all at one time would be to high risk to cause concerns? Either I buy it all at once, most likely receiving two packages. Or just one now, and one before cycle.

I forgot if this is against the rules or not, I know its not about prices. If it is, then delete this for me.
At the risk of breaking certain rules, I'll try to keep this as vague as possible while still giving you an answer I hope you get loud and clear after reading between the lines.

There are certain dollar amounts that are flagged when exceeded by both WU and certain governmental agencies. If you happen to exceed this amount, your transaction is flagged for review and may be looked into. It is in your best interests to split up transactions that may break into the fourth digit monetarily.

I would actually split it up (if possible) at roughly half that value as I have heard rumors of certain money services looking into transactions at the range from above cut in half. (I'm trying REALLY hard to say it, but not say it LOL)

Hope this helps. :)
You may just buy a load of under dosed gear or a lot of good stuff.
Thats the chance you take when you buy in bulk.

I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would by online though.
You may just buy a load of under dosed gear or a lot of good stuff.
Thats the chance you take when you buy in bulk.

I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would by online though.

Because the danger is all the same as are the odds of receiving bunk gear? That and shopping online is FAR cheaper for the real thing. Different strokes, et cetera.
Shopping online is cheaper?
No, it isnt, its just that you mustn't have any friends who recommend a good source.
My point is UGL can be inconsistent with dosage, I have had vastly different responses to the same (alleged) dosage.
Shopping online is cheaper?
No, it isnt, its just that you mustn't have any friends who recommend a good source.
My point is UGL can be inconsistent with dosage, I have had vastly different responses to the same (alleged) dosage.

That's why you find a good reputable source, buying it local at one point someone ordered it online be it the powder to brew or the gear itself. Unless your a rep for a lab your paying a markup on the product and 99% of the time you can get it cheaper buy cutting out the middle man. Where do you think the guy your getting it from acquired the gear and do you really think he is not making any profit. Common sense and a business perspective should be all you need to come to a conclusion.
For most people, if you're buying your stuff online to sell for a profit, then yes..your prices will be comparable to your local source. If you're just buying gear online for yourself to run, it's definitely cheaper than the local source.
then your definitely not looking in the right places, again the local guy is making a profit, people selling don't do this shit for free. Sure if your looking at the big name labs who charge a premium for the name itself but a little research will save you a boatload.

Meant to quote 3rdinfintry on this
I don't know why people are saying its cheaper online as though it's a fact, its just a fact for you if thats the case.
It's a fact for me that its cheaper to buy locally.
My source is good, its one of the top ones thats advised on the site. They gave me good gear the first time, I doubt they will fuck me over the second. Also thank you guys for the answers.
Shopping online is cheaper?
No, it isnt, its just that you mustn't have any friends who recommend a good source.
My point is UGL can be inconsistent with dosage, I have had vastly different responses to the same (alleged) dosage.

For me it is. Bought some strango from a friend. Charged over double the price. Maybe he bought vials for himself as well. Who knows. Never again lol
I don't know why people are saying its cheaper online as though it's a fact, its just a fact for you if thats the case.
It's a fact for me that its cheaper to buy locally.

So it s a fact that YOU can get it cheaper from a guy who is either brewing or giving YOU a deal. Cool beans good for you.

It is a fact that HW can find HIS cheaper on line. As can I....

So, if we were to look at this empirically taking into account only the facts that were presented here in this thread, a limited data base to be sure to arrive at a solid paradigm would not be possible. In the real world, not just your world, my world, or HW s world but the whole world..I think the bottom line is it depends on who you are, where you are and how much you are paying for what and thats a forbidden topic in an open forum.
I never buy all my gear at one time . It sucks to lose any money but I can handle 3 or 4 hundred dollar loss much better than a couple grand.
So it s a fact that YOU can get it cheaper from a guy who is either brewing or giving YOU a deal. Cool beans good for you.

It is a fact that HW can find HIS cheaper on line. As can I....

So, if we were to look at this empirically taking into account only the facts that were presented here in this thread, a limited data base to be sure to arrive at a solid paradigm would not be possible. In the real world, not just your world, my world, or HW s world but the whole world..I think the bottom line is it depends on who you are, where you are and how much you are paying for what and thats a forbidden topic in an open forum.
Exactly, it wasn't me who claimed it was cheaper online, it was me who said I get it cheaper at source.
I don't I buy from a domestic ugl that I love! Still have to send money. Plus I don't like ugl Orals . I get my Orals pharm grade. And 555 I can see from all your posts so far your AAS knowledge and experience is about as reliable as your " local source" .show some pics of your gear. Would like to see how your local source outfits you.
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