Is it bad to buy a ton of gear all at once?

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Troll your nothing but a Troll. Those are bottles of well known AAS.from legit producers. Unfortunately your on the wrong web site homosexuals anonymous isn't on here.
555 Little immature of me I apologize . Please if you are here to learn (which YOU should be) take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.
Shopping online is cheaper?
No, it isnt, its just that you mustn't have any friends who recommend a good source.
My point is UGL can be inconsistent with dosage, I have had vastly different responses to the same (alleged) dosage.
I'm not going to post prices as that is not allowed here, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that I can get AAS for far cheaper than the kid at your gym is selling to you. That and I KNOW it's legit based on bloodwork.

I was going to educate you on this topic but as Kazmir below most eloquently put it; you're paying more every time a product changes hands. I don't care if we're talking cars, walkie-talkies, food, or AAS. This is business FACT. If I do business with folks that have only 2 steps in the chain between the raws manufacturer and me, I'm betting I'm getting a better deal than the guy who gets it from another guy that gets it from a guy that buys his ONLINE from a similar source.

But hey, I'm sure you must have really good friends that just give you free juice because of your sparkling personality and quick wit, amirite? :p

I dont find that to be true at all.

Online prices are ALMOST exactly the same prices my local guy has.

Online just carries a wider variety of content.
You very likely fit into a small minority of folks that have well established supply lines. Those are very hard to find and are definitely worth keeping a hold of once you find them. Of course, I've seen online prices that are just as spendy as street too though.

That's why you find a good reputable source, buying it local at one point someone ordered it online be it the powder to brew or the gear itself. Unless your a rep for a lab your paying a markup on the product and 99% of the time you can get it cheaper buy cutting out the middle man. Where do you think the guy your getting it from acquired the gear and do you really think he is not making any profit. Common sense and a business perspective should be all you need to come to a conclusion.
Well said. :bigok:
Really !? Lol that's the end of this cycle 500mg test e a week . Npp 150mg eod. TNE 100mg every major workout . Cut the test p out. And 50mg dbol 50mg anadrol pwo with the TNE. 6 weeks left. I have others in the stash but I photographed what I'm taking now. I'm sure your post was made in jest. Lol We all know more AAS just means greater sides not greater gains. Once you find your personal sweet spot any more than that is just a dangerous waste. Says the guy running two 17 's with kidney prob. History! Lol I'm under constant supervision and a specialist's care so I'm as good as can be.
Really !? Lol that's the end of this cycle 500mg test e a week . Npp 150mg eod. TNE 100mg every major workout . Cut the test p out. And 50mg dbol 50mg anadrol pwo with the TNE. 6 weeks left. I have others in the stash but I photographed what I'm taking now. I'm sure your post was made in jest. Lol We all know more AAS just means greater sides not greater gains. Once you find your personal sweet spot any more than that is just a dangerous waste. Says the guy running two 17 's with kidney prob. History! Lol I'm under constant supervision and a specialist's care so I'm as good as can be.

My big brother dont get mad you got to many cycle under your belt
My big brother dont get mad you got to many cycle under your belt

Not mad at all my brother. We were just playing anyway kingbeastmode is a good brother and a competitor at this sport. On another note I see your nice hgh package in your post niceeee. Share and share alike.... Pretty please ! Lol just joking looked good there
Not mad at all my brother. We were just playing anyway kingbeastmode is a good brother and a competitor at this sport. On another note I see your nice hgh package in your post niceeee. Share and share alike.... Pretty please ! Lol just joking looked good there
Jaaa ok my big brother you know i got mad love to you, i get 4 kits every month of seros
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Jaaa ok my big brother you know i got mad love to you, my brother i get 4 kits every month of seros

Nice you have to pm me let me know the type of gains they give you. Got a good source for hyg's not sold on adding them though. $ versus gain.
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You may just buy a load of under dosed gear or a lot of good stuff.
Thats the chance you take when you buy in bulk.

I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would by online though.

I dont see why anyone in their right minds doesnt thing that the gear their friend give them didnt come from online anyway or that the raw powders use dot make them didnt......

Risks are the same IF you know what you are doing.

OP, depends more on $$ then amount. but posting thsi thread is also a bad idea, im locking it
what are we arguing here? lol. we posting pics of our gear to see who has the most?
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So it s a fact that YOU can get it cheaper from a guy who is either brewing or giving YOU a deal. Cool beans good for you.

It is a fact that HW can find HIS cheaper on line. As can I....

So, if we were to look at this empirically taking into account only the facts that were presented here in this thread, a limited data base to be sure to arrive at a solid paradigm would not be possible. In the real world, not just your world, my world, or HW s world but the whole world..I think the bottom line is it depends on who you are, where you are and how much you are paying for what and thats a forbidden topic in an open forum.

555 is getting soooo frigin annoying i just cant stand it. He honestly thinks he knows about all this stuff it seems... ignorance is bliss i guess... Im blocking myself from seeing his comments, i just cant do it anymore.... PM me if there is something that need to be banned...
you're paying more every time a product changes hands. I don't care if we're talking cars, walkie-talkies, food, or AAS. This is business FACT. If I do business with folks that have only 2 steps in the chain between the raws manufacturer and me, I'm betting I'm getting a better deal than the guy who gets it from another guy that gets it from a guy that buys his ONLINE from a similar source

I hate to get all economicy here, but you may want to read up on fungible goods.

UGL AAS clearly is not a pure fungible good for due to the fact that its purity cannot be verified by just looking at it (or other simple method) and it is illegal to purchase it in most places. But there are still certain pressures towards equilibrium on its price. There is a functioning market for UGL AAS. The "kid" in the gym cannot charge whatever ridiculous price he wants for example.

Let's use your car example. If I am in the market for a new Dodge Caravan, I really don't care how many times it has changed hands. There is a set price in the market for buying that car. If I take a few hours and call a bunch of Dodge dealers in town, I will be able to get them to all offer me basically the same price assuming I want a commonly produced model. I don't really care which one I get (that has the options I want). I can't tell the difference between each one that rolled off the assembly line.

How about a bushel of corn? Do I really care which farm it came from and how many silos it has been passed through? How many hands that bushel of corn has passed through? Nope. I just look on the internet and get the market's corn price at that point in time. Each bushel of corn is basically indistinguishable from the next one.

That's my dumbed down economic two cents.

Now please explain the physics of a dynamo to us? Free electricity you say?
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