Is it ok to start your first cycle with test c?

Whew Iwas hoping to hear that guys Thx. I thought I was getting test e and when I got it it was c. Its only 10 weeks worth though but Ill get more when my pct`s show up.
I dont have worry about gyno with test only do I?

I`m 6`3 254lbs 41yrs old and 20%bf. I know my diet needs to get better. It has since Im taking it to the next level. I swear my wife of 22 years now sabotages me when I start trimming down. I mean I love the old sea hag LOL but I think shes trying to kill me slowly.

yes, run it at 500-600mg a week with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for at least 12wks

What type of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) do you recommend? Dosage and weeks wise!
Whew Iwas hoping to hear that guys Thx. I thought I was getting test e and when I got it it was c. Its only 10 weeks worth though but Ill get more when my pct`s show up.
I dont have worry about gyno with test only do I?

I`m 6`3 254lbs 41yrs old and 20%bf. I know my diet needs to get better. It has since Im taking it to the next level. I swear my wife of 22 years now sabotages me when I start trimming down. I mean I love the old sea hag LOL but I think shes trying to kill me slowly.

What type of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) do you recommend? Dosage and weeks wise!

you can deff get gyno with test keep aromasin or adex on hand or u can use it to be on safe side.adex1ml eod asine12.5ml ed or U can play with the dose see what works better for u. U want your diet perfect before u do a cycle.U dont wanna go into a cycle in not top shape.The more fat on u the more sides u can have.Dont start ontill U got every thing and more then what u will need.Every thing im tell u is what i was taught by the brothers here.Have fun
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