Is Muscle Milk really a good source of casinate when it has all of that fat?


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Is Muscle Milk bad to use before bed when trying to lose fat?

Is Muscle Milk (by CytoSport) bad to use before bed when trying to lose fat?
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As far as I remember it has plenty of carbs and fat. Not good, unless your metabolism is really humming and you are doing a major bulk. Definitely think there are better options.
I used about 10 bottles of that muscle milk stuff. It tastes really good, and seemed to help me pack on some mass. It's also a better tasting alternative to whey. My 2 C$. Good luck.
Samurai said:
Is Muscle Milk (by CytoSport) bad to use before bed when trying to lose fat?

It worked fine for me, provided that it's fits into your calorie allowence. It's primarily protein and healthy fats.