Is my conversion directions good?


Informed Member
This is how I have been told to convert 1-test cyp. to an injectable:

1- Get a beaker and put my 3g of powder in and fill with cottonseed oil to 15-16 ml

2- Heat up solution and stir until the powder dissolves

3- Filter through whatman(.45)filter into final vial

4- Bake at 250 for one hour and I am done.

5- If I want put 3% (.5ml) of BA in solution. ( I put BA in before my oil)

This will give me 15ml of test cyp @ 200mg/ml! and 500 mgs/wk for 6 wks?

Guys, tell me if this is right. I am new to the whole conversion thing so if its not right then correct it however keep it simple. I am no chemist and this shit confuses me easy! Also what would be something good to stack this with? Can I do and inj. deca, or EQ from a powder? OR maybe like a D-bol powder to and inj? Keep in mind I am talking about PH powders here, have no access to gear powder!
Cakalac said:
This is how I have been told to convert 1-test cyp. to an injectable:

1- Get a beaker and put my 3g of powder in and fill with cottonseed oil to 15-16 ml

2- Heat up solution and stir until the powder dissolves

3- Filter through whatman(.45)filter into final vial

4- Bake at 250 for one hour and I am done.

5- If I want put 3% (.5ml) of BA in solution. ( I put BA in before my oil)

This will give me 15ml of test cyp @ 200mg/ml! and 500 mgs/wk for 6 wks?

Guys, tell me if this is right. I am new to the whole conversion thing so if its not right then correct it however keep it simple. I am no chemist and this shit confuses me easy! Also what would be something good to stack this with? Can I do and inj. deca, or EQ from a powder? OR maybe like a D-bol powder to and inj? Keep in mind I am talking about PH powders here, have no access to gear powder!

i seriously doubt that 1-t is soluable in oil. But if it crashes you can always heat to solution everytime you do it and fire away. I havent heard of anyone converting it pain free yet. good luck. 4ad is a better bet and it converts with some solvents pain free.