Is my INSULIN ruining my IGF LR3?


New member
Ok, so as a type 1 diabetic, I have to take multiple injections of Insulin a day, (everytime I eat). However, I have been wanting to use LR3 again, but read something about Insulin can basically ruin the LR3 if there in the system together? Is this true?

Also, since I will have to inject both, would there be a better time to inject one over the other? Ie: IGF first, eat a meal, inject INSULIN 20 minutes later to make sure the IGF did its job?
Just inject you insulin as you normally do but my understanding is that igf will increase sensitivity to insulin so it's said that you may require a lower dose of insulin while using it. If you do use it start with small doses to see how you react to it.
Just inject you insulin as you normally do but my understanding is that igf will increase sensitivity to insulin so it's said that you may require a lower dose of insulin while using it. If you do use it start with small doses to see how you react to it.

Yea I have noticed I can use a few IU less while injecting LR3, he didnt say rather or not the SLIN and IGF would fight for receptors and be useless together?