is my PCT okay after a test e and dbol cycle?


New member
Just need a few opinions whether my PCT is up to scratch after doing a 500mg/week of test enanthate and 25mg/ed of dbol?

I just want 100% security that this is adequate.

Clomid: 50/35/35/35. Nolva: 30/20/20/20
out of curiosity, how much did u gain taking 25mg of dbol? did u use any Ai?

clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
Nolva and clomid is pretty much the norm. I think some people need it more than others. I wouldnt take nolva unless my nips started to get really sensitive.
Sorry man im not stupid enough to run the cycle before the PCT is sorted, hence im asking if mine is ok before i jump on haha, ill be taking .25-0.5mg/eod of adex for my AI

. I can post my experience after the cycle if you want mate
Okay thanks very excited to start my cycle in january i feel im more than ready, will post a thread of my experience/gains made after the cycle.
Yup thats my thread however i got a few different PCT dosages so i thought id start a new thread to get my answer (which i have now thanks)
Nolva and clomid is pretty much the norm. I think some people need it more than others. I wouldnt take nolva unless my nips started to get really sensitive.

The worst part is where he said some people need Clomid and Nolva more than others.. like, what?
The worst part is where he said some people need Clomid and Nolva more than others.. like, what?
You're going to disagree that some people need nolva and clomid more than others? everyone reacts different to everything, duh