Is there a difference


New member
What really is the difference between
trt and someone doing a basic steroid
cycle.i know testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is because the body is not producing enough,and a cycle is addind more than the norm that one produces. So if one is on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) what difference does it make if you raise your level higher than norm, you have to take the stuff for life anyway right? Is it just the fact of adding more and shutting down your own natural production is the main concern.i guess what i'm asking is if i'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is it going to matter if i take 100mg or say 400mg of test cypionate a wk ?
The sides would be increased drastically. At 100 mg I think I will be in the mid to high range - same as a normal producing guy. However at 400 - acne, dht issues, increased estrogen levels, etc. would occur so it would have to be combated with the necessary ancillaries. I am just starting for life at 125 a week. And yes I am tempted to throw a few cycles in here and there. Not yet but at some point I am sure I will. Post Cycle I would just drop to my 125 mg testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels. No PCT is what I have been informed. I could not imagine the damage I could do if I just went on 400 mg as my replacement amount. I'd be pretty huge I guess but what good is it if I cant fit in my casket. If you are younger -- under 40 you may not want to go this route (permanent trt) as you may have a shot for your boys to start producing the proper amt of testosterone on their own. Perhaps HCG alone may help - I am just learning and hopefully someone else can add some insight or correct me where I am wrong.