Is there enough protien in eating plan?


-Flesh Eater-
Meal Plan for Workout Days

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
• 3 whole eggs
• 1 cup skim milk
• 1 cup cooked oatmeal (prepare with water only and Cinnamon)
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
• 1/4 cup raisins

Meal 2 (Midmorning Snack)
• 6 ounces chicken breast (cooked weight)
• 2 cups salad with dark, leafy green vegetables, onions, peppers, etc.
• 1 tablespoon olive oil and vinegar, to taste
• 1/4 cup Grape Nuts
• 1 Gala Apple

Meal 3 (Lunch)
• 6 ounces tuna (cooked weight)
• 1 potato (baked)
• 2 cups stir-fry vegetables (broccoli, peppers, onions, etc.)
• 1 handful of peanuts
• 1 cup orange juice with pulp

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack)
• 1 Container of yogurt
• 1 cup raisins
• 1/4 cup Grape Nuts

Meal 5 (Pre workout meal)
• 1 banana

Meal 6— Immediately post-workout
• 2 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
• Malto and Dextro Blend (1/2 cup each)
• ½ Cup Blueberries
• 4 prunes (seedless or pitted)

Meal 7—90 minutes post-workout
• 2 scoop Chocolate Protein
• Malto and Dextro Blend (1/2 cup each)
Meal Plan for Non-Workout Days

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
• 3 whole eggs
• 1 cup skim milk
• 1 cup cooked oatmeal (add cinnamon and water)
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil (mix in with the oatmeal)
• 1/4 cup raisins

Meal 2 (Midmorning Snack)
• 6 ounces chicken breast (cooked weight)
• 2 cups salad with dark, leafy green vegetables, onions, peppers, etc.
• 1 tablespoon olive oil and vinegar, to taste
• 1/4 cup Grape Nuts
• 1 Gala Apple

Meal 3 (Lunch)
• 6 ounces tuna (cooked weight)
• 1 potato (baked)
• 2 cups stir-fry vegetables (broccoli, peppers, onions, etc.)
• 1 handful of peanuts
• 1 cups orange juice with pulp

Meal 4 (Mid afternoon Snack)
• 1 Container of yogurt
• 1 cup raisins
• 1/4 cup Grape Nuts

Meal 5—Quick-fix shake (Pseudo Dinner)
• 2 scoop Vanilla whey protein
• 1 cup skim milk
• ½ Cup Blueberries
• 4 prunes (seedless or pitted)
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
• 1 tablespoon extra-light olive oil
• 1 tablespoon instant vanilla pudding mix

Meal 6—Quick-fix shake (90 minutes later)
• 2 scoop Chocolate whey protein
• 1 cup skim milk
• 1 tablespoon extra-light olive oil
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
• 1 banana
• 1 tablespoon instant vanilla pudding mix
Those are some pretty nice stats Caladin. You may want to add in another tablespoon of flax oil in one of your shakes on your training days, for a little extra helpful fat. I prefer Udo's Ultimate Oil Blend as opposed to straight flax oil. I'm sure you know that you need to take in at least 1 gram of protein per bodypound divided amongst your meals for the day. I'm not sure what size of yogurt that you are having and if it is plain yogurt. I would probably say the protein in those smaller meals/snacks could be picked up a little. What are your goals from this eating plan? Are you trying to put on size or get more cut?
More size! Maybe 15-20lbs (I have this goal of about 215 with 7-8%Bf)

Yes I agree with the "I would probably say the protein in those smaller meals/snacks " idea.

What do you recomend?

As for the yogurt I will have to look up the weight and let you know. Its a 4 serving container :)

As for the oil maybe somthing like this:
Meal 7—90 minutes post-workout
• 2 scoop Chocolate Protein
• Malto and Dextro Blend (1/2 cup each)
• 1tbls Udo's Ultimate Oil Blend

Thanks Fyre! I really appreciate it!
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I throw some whey right in with my yogurt.(i use plain yogurt though). If it's a 4 serving yogurt container then it's a 500ml container, so that would give you only about 22-25 grams of protein. I would definitely up that count. Normally when I diet down, I don't use dairy(milk and yogurt) in my cutting phase and I cut out all fruit juices. Some people can use dairy when they are cutting, I cannot. I generally eat tuna, chicken, egg whites, potatoes and yams, oatmeal, and I get my fats from Udo's Oil. Now, that's for cutting for me. You want to put on size as well so yes, you need the carbs as well. You'll know if you are depleted of something because you're body will tell you Listen to your body and use the mirror as your guide. Just a word of caution,a lot of people try to lose bodyfat and build at the same time and to be honest with you, often, they tend to jeopardize their muscle for leanness.
Fyre said:
Just a word of caution,a lot of people try to lose bodyfat and build at the same time and to be honest with you, often, they tend to jeopardize their muscle for leanness.

I hear that! Nope this is a mass phase. I will lean up afterwards. Im on a lean phase right now. Hence the keto.

I usally due three phases:
1. Mass (3months)
2. Lean (1month)
3. Relax - Im still working out just not killin myslef :) (1-2months)

then it starts all over again.

If it's a 4 serving yogurt container then it's a 500ml container, so that would give you only about 22-25 grams of protein. I would definitely up that count.

I new I came to the right person! I will use plain and add some strawberry whey

THANKS Fyre!! :D