Is this a good lay out for RUI clen/keto and aas stack?


New member
Hey guys!

I am planing my spring cycle now and I am thinking of trying Clen WITH Keto this time and some gear.
I just wanted some input on experiences with this clen/keto stack from them and how my cycle fits in.


wk1-12 400mg teste ew
wk 5-12 anavar or tbol
wk 5-10 80-100mcg clen ed
wk 7-10 0.5mg Keto pre bed ED
wk 14-18 PCT Tamox 30mg ed (should I add clomid? I see people doing that now)

what do you guys n gals think?

Thanks!! : )
Start the keto when you start the clen.
Dont start clen at 80mcg, start low and keep it as low as you can and have it be effective.
PCT clomid and tamox.
Are you going to run an ai ? (you should)
x2 about the AI that Jimi mentioned.

Also if you are using a long ester steroid like Test E I would use the oral as a kickstart rather than a finisher. Especially if you plan to be in a cal deficit the whole time to cut weight. That way through whole cycle you have hormones working for you. Just my humble opinion anyways.
I agree with the above comments.

I would start even at 40mcg and see. I do usually say start keto in week 2. is there a reason you like to start it from the getgo Jim?
I would highly advise you use an AI during the cycle.

as for oral at end or start i guess its preference. I usually use it at start also, but since OP is starting it at the same time as the clen, I assume that he wants to run them at same time and kill it ( I hope) during that time span.

Also OP have you considered peptides during cycle or in pct? some IGF1 during pct many seem to enjoy. maybe even during your oral.. anyway just mentioning it because if you are going to order your clen and keto from RUI I would suggest grabbing some igf1 to try out if you havent already. I love it IMO.
I would start even at 40mcg and see. I do usually say start keto in week 2. is there a reason you like to start it from the getgo Jim?

My thought has always been why wait for b2 receptors to down-regulate before I take something that prevents down regulation. Have always done it that way. Plus keto helps me sleep, which wassnt a bad thing when I took clen (now i take albut).