Is this any good?


New member
Hi, I've been lifting for 3 years now, I got into it after seeing some videos of Konstantin Konstantinovs. I'm from Adelaide, SA.

Anyway, I'm looking into doing a cycle and found this one on an aussie bb forum:

Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500mg p/w
Weeks 1-14 HCG @ 250iu 2x a week
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .25mg every 2nd day (may need more)
Weeks 14-16 Novladex 40mg every day, Clomid 100mg everyday
Weeks 16-18 Novladex 20mg everyday, Clomid 50mg everyday

Is it any good? If not, what would you recommend. Looking forward to learning more about AAS.

That's about what I'm doing, Although for your first cycle you probably won't/might not need HCG. I'd opt for end of cycle HCG blast instead of every week throughout.