Is this really enough?!


New member
Hey guys.

23y old, been training for about 3 years now with so-so results. Currently i'm clean but considering gearing up in a years time or so, we'll see.
Anyway I checked out the sticky "My Top 5 Lifting Routines" by IA for inspiration, and I realized my current routine differs a lot.

IA basically recommends a 3 or even 2-splitt with A LOT less sets that i'm used to do/see/hear/read about. I'm seriously considering trying 2-split routine out, but is it really enough?!

Day One:
Dips or Bench Press 2 x 6-8
Incline Press, or incline Fly 2 x 10-12
Military Press, Or Hammer Shoulder Press 2 x 6-8
Tricep (skull crushers) Extensions or Tricep Pushdowns 2 x 10-12
Heavy Abs 3 x 10

Day Two:
Pull-Up 3 sets to failure
Barbell Row 2 x 8
EZ-Bar Or Dumbell Curl 1 x 10
Squats 2 x 10
Deadlifts, or Stiff-Legged Deadlift 1 x 10

Compared to my current routine which is a 4 splitt where I completley murder each muscle with 12-18 sets each, this routine seem to be lightweight deluxe. But maybe that's just what I need.
Any thoughts?
Like I said, been training for about 3 years now and I got my diet under control. Aiming for a bulk right now.

My goal is maximum size gains, strenght gains comes as a second priority.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Skurten im in the same boat as you, (apart from i have used gear in the past) i also do 4 session splits a week. I think i need to change my training program as i dont see much gains recently. My diet is very good, and i train 5/6 times per week. 2 Cardio (rugby training) 3/4 gym split sessions.

My Training Routine: -

Mon- Chest / Bi's
Flat Bench - 4x8
Incline Bench / Decline Bench - 3x8
Flys (Superset with light weight) - 3x8 / 3x12
Standing or Peacher Curls EZ bar - 3x8
Sitting Dumbell Curls - 2xFailure

Tuesday - Rugby Training

Wednesday - Shoulders / Abs
Military Press / Hammer Shoulder Press - 3x8
Upright rows - 3x8
Single Arm Rows - 3x8
Front Dumbell Raises - 3x8 Each Arm
Shurgs - 3x10
Ab Workout (Cruches / Reverse Cruches / Core work with med ball)

Thursday - Rugby Training

Friday - Back and Tri's
Wide Arm pull ups - 3x8
Sitting machine rows - 3x10
Lat Pulldown - 3x8
Skull Crushes - 3x8
Pulldowns Rope / Bar - 3x8
Dips 2 x Failure

Saturday Rest (pre season so no games)

Sunday - Legs
Squads - 3x8
Dead Lifts - 3x8
Quad Extentions - 3x12
Hamstring Curls - 3x12

At the moment im not doing Legs because i have pulled my hamy.

I have been doing this training program for last 4 months, so i think its tme to shock the system and change. I want to put on mass and strength so i think i may try the 5x5 workout heard thats good! Any ideals / comments?
for maximal size gains...I would focus on eating more. I mean eating until you feel packed full, 6-8 times a day.

And learn what works best for you. Some grow better with volume, other grow better with less sets and more rest.
for maximal size gains...I would focus on eating more. I mean eating until you feel packed full, 6-8 times a day.

And learn what works best for you. Some grow better with volume, other grow better with less sets and more rest.

...assuming he has the money to buy all that food. Some people can get really fat from eating 6-8 times a day. I don't think that's the way to go.

He should take his first routine and this routine and do something that's in the middle, not too much and not too little. And eat enough but not to the point of where you get fat.
Depends on what you are eating for the most part, its hard to hit huge caloric excess with clean ass chicken and rice - especially since its so dull unless you become a good cook.

Eating dirty foods until I feel 'packed' though, will kill my next 1-3 meals depending. That would have to be about a 4000 calorie meal for me, which would be a bad idea.