Is Using Steroids Cheating?


New member
I want to start out first by saying that this post is not intented to piss people off, but it is a question that has been on my mind. I know that there are people that post on steroidology that do use steroids to build strength, and get bigger. But is using steroids cheating. Maybe I am off base but, if those who use steroids never used them they would never be as big as they are now, or have the strengh. I am not saying that those who use steroids are not busting there ass in the gym. But do you think they would be just has big and cut if they never used them? I just want to get some thoughts on this question.
Is using protein powders, creatine, glutamine, ephedrine, octopamine, and the like "cheating?"
Food for thought.
Let's be honest protein powders, creatine, glutamine, ephedrine, octopamine, and not in the same league as steroids. That like comparing Cigars to Cocaine.
define cheating. if your cheating is defined by using something that isnt naturally in your body at superceded levels then supplimenting protein, mrp's, weight gainers, ect. are all cheating. would you still think steroids are cheating if they were totally legal to buy just like smokes and alcohol? or if you could walk into gnc and get some test?
Why are protein powders glutamine, creatine etc... Not cheating like roids, they are basically synthetic substances used by people to gain muscle at a more rapid pace.

Also lets face it, if I didnt work out at all and push myself in the gym then I wouldnt be as big as I am today, therefor weightlifting must be also cheating (rolleyes)

I know that you would have to bust your butt in the gym no matter if you use steroids or not. That is not the issue. But I have not meat anyone that made huge leaps just taken portein powers etc.... like the huge gains people make on steroids. There is no comparison.
garyzilla said:
Let's be honest protein powders, creatine, glutamine, ephedrine, octopamine, and not in the same league as steroids. That like comparing Cigars to Cocaine.

You're countering your own statement. Just because steroids have a stronger effect you can't put them in a different category. Using steroids is only percieved as cheating compared to other supplements because they are illegal.
Steroids are legal with a prescription, so they are not exactly illegal, just controlled substances much like other prescription meds.

Champ said:
Steroids are legal with a prescription, so they are not exactly illegal, just controlled substances much like other prescription meds.


Very good point! That is something that I overlooked! No doctor writes as script for Cocaine. Again, great point!
I love when people pose this question. What exactly are you cheating at, life? I don't compete with anyone else in the gym.
I say absolutely not, and I believe they should be legal for spots. Sure some people wouldn't be as large without steroids but there are also lots of people who wouldn't be as big without the genes of Olympia. Steroids are illegal because of the negative stigma that was attached to them once several Olympic athletes tested positive. People started seeing Steroids as cheating, and users as cheaters, FDA found a way to increase their power, wala steroids illegal.

Ephedrine has killed more people then steroids has, its all politics.
garyzilla said:
But do you think they would be just has big and cut if they never used them?

Hell no. I would say a person benching into the 400s naturally is quite rare, into the 500s is very damn rare. Likewise a person with 20" arms who is not fat, is going to be pretty rare gear or not.

There is no way to say with a straight face that you can naturally achieve what some guy on gear with 12 times more test in his body than what Mr.Natural has, its just ridiculous.
garyzilla said:
Let's be honest protein powders, creatine, glutamine, ephedrine, octopamine, and not in the same league as steroids. That like comparing Cigars to Cocaine.

Yeah but cigars kill ten times more ppl than cocaine...

Also fats we consume are a soft of steroid so were all eating and breathing steroids right now.
In every sport branche products are used.
So i think it's a personal matter, i dont use roids, but i gonna use them in some time. Just to see what difference with or without.
cheating?? just a word that some loser made up when he got beat,
only people that class people who use steroids are the people that dont use them, picture this where you want to be !size" will take you 4 years naturally or 1 year with steroids, what is the best option? and who Are you cheating?? yourself? regards to competition. well most of the large pros use anyway so where is the cheating?