hey boys,
some backround info:
24 y.o
200 lbs.
12% b.f
My first and last cycle was done earlier this year(Jan-Mar)which consisted of:
Week 1-10 Test E - 500mgs a week
Week 3-10 Anavar (var) - Upping the Anavar (var) 10mgs every week until about 100mg at week 10.
Week 1-10 - Liquidex 1cc every pin day so every MON and THUR
2 weeks after last pin started PCT which was Clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks.
Was up to about 215 strong as ever and the Anavar (var) and liquidex kept the water weight down a little.(Week 7 or so picture attached at the bottom...what would you say my bf % was?)
Noticed a marble size lump under my right nipple that was very sensitive for months and noticed puss type stuff if i squeezed my nipples. noticed about half way through PCT but now seems to have disappeared. Gyno prone?
Been in the gym off AAS since then. Dieting, Vitamins, Exercise. I feel im ready to move forward and do a nice cut type cycle with proper training and diet.
Considering doing the Test Prop/Masteron stack. Also have 50x25mg Winstrol (winny) tabs sitting around but was also considering Equipoise.
Goals are to cut down a little body fat, develop more vascular hard looking muscle and of course gain strength!!
With that being said i leave a few questions for some vets to leave their own 2cents on.
A few questions:
1. Did i screw up something during my first PCT? prone to gyno slightly?
2. Do you recommend any different PCT in new cycle as like Nolva instead? Also HCG? i didnt use last time and seemed to recover fine. couldnt hurt to try i guess? Continue to throw in Liqudex during cycle?
3. Dosage/Length for new cycle? and curious if should dump 1 or stack all 3. Test Prop/Mast/EQ? Winstrol (winny) tabs?
Looking forward to hearing for you guys
View attachment 545322
some backround info:
24 y.o
200 lbs.
12% b.f
My first and last cycle was done earlier this year(Jan-Mar)which consisted of:
Week 1-10 Test E - 500mgs a week
Week 3-10 Anavar (var) - Upping the Anavar (var) 10mgs every week until about 100mg at week 10.
Week 1-10 - Liquidex 1cc every pin day so every MON and THUR
2 weeks after last pin started PCT which was Clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks.
Was up to about 215 strong as ever and the Anavar (var) and liquidex kept the water weight down a little.(Week 7 or so picture attached at the bottom...what would you say my bf % was?)
Noticed a marble size lump under my right nipple that was very sensitive for months and noticed puss type stuff if i squeezed my nipples. noticed about half way through PCT but now seems to have disappeared. Gyno prone?
Been in the gym off AAS since then. Dieting, Vitamins, Exercise. I feel im ready to move forward and do a nice cut type cycle with proper training and diet.
Considering doing the Test Prop/Masteron stack. Also have 50x25mg Winstrol (winny) tabs sitting around but was also considering Equipoise.
Goals are to cut down a little body fat, develop more vascular hard looking muscle and of course gain strength!!
With that being said i leave a few questions for some vets to leave their own 2cents on.
A few questions:
1. Did i screw up something during my first PCT? prone to gyno slightly?
2. Do you recommend any different PCT in new cycle as like Nolva instead? Also HCG? i didnt use last time and seemed to recover fine. couldnt hurt to try i guess? Continue to throw in Liqudex during cycle?
3. Dosage/Length for new cycle? and curious if should dump 1 or stack all 3. Test Prop/Mast/EQ? Winstrol (winny) tabs?
Looking forward to hearing for you guys
View attachment 545322