It's that time again, rate/hate my cycle, test tren var


New member
I'll start off with a bit of info about me.

Age: 27
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 87 KG (~195 pounds)
BF: 10-12%

My cycle history; I have had two previous cycles, both have had test as the base. First one kick started with dbol and second with var. I am thinking with this cycle I would like to check out tren, but I don't want to jump into it. I've heard mixed reviews but the general consensus seems to be that it's amazing, but holds obvious sides. My idea is that I'm going to experiment with it at the end of the cycle, that way I can jump right into PCT if I experience anything I can't handle. It's mainly to get a little experience with it so I can gauge whether or not it would be something to include in the future.

Wk 01-12 (12) Test E 500 mg/wk (6000 mg)
Wk 01-05 (06) Anavar 60 mg/day (2100 mg)
Wk 10-14 (04) Tren A 350 mg/wk (1500 mg)

Wk 01-12 (12) Anastrozole 0.5mg e3.5d (12 mg)
Wk 10-14 (04) Cabergoline 0.5mg e3.5d (12 mg)
Wk 04-18 (14) hCG 250 iu e3.5d (7000 iu)

Wk 15-18 (04) Clomiphene 100/100/50/50 (2100 mg)
Wk 15-18 (04) Exemestane 25/25/12.5/12.5 (525 mg)

What are your opinions on my dosages and dates?

Pinning will be twice a week for the test, and every day for tren.

Also I was curious as to running clen at the same time, but I've heard about tren making people sweaty beasts so I couldn't imagine the two going well together. If I was to run clen I would be looking at something like 20-100mcg pyramid style dosages, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off style so around 6000 mcg with 4 weeks total. Would it be possible to do this mid cycle or would it be preferable at another time/not at all?

I would do the tren from the start and use the var as a tail. Youre using tren a which is good because if you cant handle the sides, you can quit and itll be out of your system pretty quickly. I would run it at least 10 weeks. I personally had good results with low test high tren but whichever you choose you should enjoy tren.

Adex needs to be taken eod. You might want to look at the pct stickyfor guidance on your pct. Run NAC to keep your liver values down as tren will raise them. I do 1200mg with inj and 1800mg when orals are present.

Dont forget pre, mid, and post cycle bloods. Good luck