It's too Quiet tonight


Labpe Peptide Rep
How many people out there are currently researching peptides? and What are you running? Goals, doses, results.. like's and dislike's etc. Anything that you really want to try but haven't.

Pretty much a Peptide Anything Goes.

I'm currently researching GHRP-2, Mod GRF (CJC no dac) and MGF. I'm looking to add in some IGF shortly.

I've definately noticed some fat loss and an increase in LBM. My sleep has been amazing. Even at 5-6 hours I feel well rested and ready to roll.

Let's hear what you have going on, or want to start.
I was just checking out your log... very nice BTW. Anything out there you've been wanting to try, but haven't?
I was just checking out your log... very nice BTW. Anything out there you've been wanting to try, but haven't?

Thanks Man,
Been doing some studying on TB-500 but not sure yet. Also thinking of switching my subject to straight HGH but with all the threads about bunk HGH right now I am not sure who has the legit stuff.
As far as other peptides nothing else really jumps out at me.
I've been actually thinking about throwing in some on my next cycle. I've heard great things about some peptides in post cycle therapy (pct) in such. I was also looking into maybe running some hgh as well but I've heard as some say at such a young age really kinda worthless. I'm 27. Im on a tren test cycle now.
I'm 28 and have been running peptides for the last year or so.. and I just had my first run at HGH last year. Ran 10iu's ed for 7 months. Overlap'd that with my last cycle of Test E, Deca, and Dbol. Ran some Supsension pre workout, plus kickstarted the cycle and ended with a little boost of Prop. I had killer results from the synergy between HGH and AAS. Peptides during post cycle therapy (pct) are a staple for me now. I ran GHRP-6 and Mod GRF during this past post cycle therapy (pct) and it helped immensely.
For sure... Let me know if you decide to try a run and I'll see if we can work out an intro deal for hometown brother.
my current protocol

hi there,im 44 and currently running cjc 1295 no dac and ghrp6 which i started last december i added some ostarine to it 4 weeks a go and have to say the fat loss and leaner look are strongly noticeable.the ostarine is doing its part to giving me a overall more vascular sort of pumped look.i intend to run this protocol for another 6 months or more with peps and another 10weeks with osta.
so far i am impressed with my results,and so are others that have noticed the changes.
my dosages are 100mcg cjc/100mcg ghrp6 3x a day basically on wake up,after workout and before bed
25mg ostarine on wake up
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hi there,im 44 and currently running cjc 1295 no dac and ghrp6 which i started last december i added some ostarine to it 4 weeks a go and have to say the fat loss and leaner look are strongly noticeable.the ostarine is doing its part to giving me a overall more vascular sort of pumped look.i intend to run this protocol for another 6 months or more with peps and another 10weeks with osta.
so far i am impressed with my results,and so are others that have noticed the changes.
my dosages are 100mcg cjc/100mcg ghrp6 3x a day basically on wake up,after workout and before bed
25mg ostarine on wake up

Very Cool brother. Are you administering 7 days a week or doing a 5 on 2 off deal? I've had some researchers say after about 3 months of continuous use they stopped noticing the benefits. All the reading I've done says it doesn't desensitize as long as you have 2-3 hours in between pins. Have you noticed any diminishing returns? I've been researching GHRP-2 and CJC for a few months straight and haven't noticed any desinsitization.
Very Cool brother. Are you administering 7 days a week or doing a 5 on 2 off deal? I've had some researchers say after about 3 months of continuous use they stopped noticing the benefits. All the reading I've done says it doesn't desensitize as long as you have 2-3 hours in between pins. Have you noticed any diminishing returns? I've been researching GHRP-2 and CJC for a few months straight and haven't noticed any desinsitization.

yes i administer 7 days a week,and i haven't noticed any diminishing effects yet.
if u create a pulse of gh as it is supposed to trigger,how could it diminish as it gets secreted from your gland?i have never read anywhere that this effect would stop after a certain time of use,on the other hand u would notice mayor improvements at the start which settle slowly as u progress i guess due to the simple fact that your body composition has already improved,and any change would only be slightly noticed.