
Several love it, I tried it and it was ok for me. My go to pre workout for life lol unless something drastic changes is DS Craze!! You can see this stuff on just about every forum. Mixes easy, taste good and punches one hell of a punch in the gym. Hands down solid as it gets. best it's around $32 at Orbitnutrition. Give it a look!
Jack3d is one of the best out there for the money in my opinion. It's the 3-methyline. I love the stuff. the only problem I have with it is tolerance build up. I can't get through a supply without building a tolerance first. try having something else on hand to switch back and forth to if this happens to you.
Yeah lot of people at my gym were on a jack kick, but some said they lost the effects to quick. I had some try out my craze and they ending up buying some not long after. It's the strongest pwo imo out hands down.
x2 on craze, good stuff indeed;

to me maximize v2 is right on par with it

check it out at orbitnutrition!
Oh laws, when I was on this -- I took about 2 scoops. I'm not a stimulant junkie so the effects were nuts. I felt more focused and that tingly electric sensation in my ears. Stuff was awesome.
I will list the PWO's that I use and currently using Craze...

Powerchews PWO
N2 Amp
Zero Loss PWO

I like them all and rotate, stack, have all kinds of intense workouts, but I have to say a bit disappointed with Craze, 2 scoops and just not the kick I would expect. Same reason I stopped using Jack3D...was up to several scoops and nada!!!

I will stack Craze and N2 Amp, that should be fun!

N2KTS is still #1 for me.
It's not bad. I also like noxipro and c4 by cellular. Just some suggestions for the future. Jack3d was better when it had the "party drug" in it lol
Just started using it. Never used pre workouts much prior and I recommend starting with one scoop. My first day I used 2 and started the workout great and after 20-30 minutes I fest sick.
I hate these pre workout supps, makes me feel like shit afterwards. just get a bowl of porridged oats down ya with a bit of honey, makes me full of energy.
Jack3d used to be good like 2 years ago. Then they pulled it for a while and changed the formula. After that it was just crack in a can. Tons of caffeine and shit. If u like the jitters and crashing jack3d it great. M5 by allmax is much better for me. I usually mix half m5 and half no extreme from cellucore. Perfect combo. Actually allmax has a new one out with no in it looks pretty sweet but gotta wait till my current runs out.
Alot of these pre workouts are going to have to be reformulated with the looming ban... I like n2kts over jacked but I also like SuperPump, find what works for you.