Jean Pierre Fux

I've always thought Fux (except for his bellybutton) was hot stuff. Last summer it kinda looked like he'd had some kind of surgery to reduce the size of his midsection. I recall reading somewhere about his having his "hernia" taken care of but I wonder what really happened?

Best regards...

Richard Jasper
Ann Arbor, MI
prl said:
Fux has a horrible shape. I have no time for overly massed monsters. Freaks like him making BB look bad.

i think those mass monsters are great :D
markus ruhl , is 0ne huge guy.
I thought the injury occurred during a viedotaping of his workout. How is it that there's no film or pics of said injury?
painless2 said:
I thought the injury occurred during a viedotaping of his workout. How is it that there's no film or pics of said injury?

There were Pictures. They are in the September 2002 edition of Flex with Triple H on the cover.
i havent heard anything about Fux in a long time..the last pics of him i seen he was getting small as hell..and fat. Not like he couldnt just bounce back because he has the potential.
i tell u the guy going to be missed... such an idol for some of us been ..... I nearly cried when they announsed he was out for good. Still those pics just makes u want to grow, motivates u allright in every way..... for me nasser al sonbaty comes close to him