Journey to the stages critique wanted


New member
Hi everyone, new to the forum, and wanted to share my journey of bulk/cut for my 2nd competition..(first as non-natural)

The reason mainly I'm posting this thread is to get others opinions on what muscle groups I should focus my bulk on.

BF-hard to tell maybe 12%? definitely different then comp weight in oct 144 at 3.8% dunk tested

My cycle is simple test prop
Week 1-2:300-400mg
Week 3-10:400-500mg

Letrozole on hand bc of natural gyno don't really want to use though.

PCT-torim, wanted thoughts on that? Heard great things also my trainer for my first competition is helping me with this cycle and
he suggested over nova.

Pics will be thrown up my main concern for this bulk is evening out. I was thinking heavy legs, need quad development buthave decent separation even at this bf so must be doing it right. Probably Bicep outer head. My peak is non existent, and pec work as my focus.

Lifts will be posted as cycle progresses along with meals.

Wondering since I will want to cut and maybe have my show come summer how loose I should play my diet. Obv the sources will be mostly oatmeal no quick sh** eggs white and whole, whole wheat wraps lean chicken turkey ground meat protein shakes, maltodextrin just pwo, tuna peanut butter walnuts almonds..etc how much above maintenance should I do? Like 1000-1500 or not necessary to go so high?

Starting cycle once I get shipment in next few days

Wish me luck!

Please no jackass comments I don't mind harsh criticism but keep it friendly, thanks everyone

Stats on lifts as of today:
DL-365x3 w straps 315x1 w.o.
Squats 90degree 385
Balls to the floor 185
Bent BB row-285x6clean w straps
Shows how little weight short people need to move to look like they have been lifting for awhile! :wiggle:
Thanks for the backhanded complement? Maybe I just have great neuromuscular efficiency, decent training knowledge and ok genetics? Plus I have been lifting for 8 years, not long compared to the vets but in the scheme of how long I've been alive it's pretty long.. Backstory for those wondering, highschool wrestler, weight trained more endurance lifts, Drexel U d1 wrestler 133lber two seasons realized I liked the strength training, and trainers more than starving myself (go figure) got certified through NASM and have been trying to increase my knowledge ever since, also working on my RKC and NASM PES carts right now. And not that big just kinda fat right now. Attached is pic from closer to my comp date
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good development, just need MASS.

You need to eat. If you wanna get bigger, forget all that shit you'r eating. Drop the wraps and all that little food. You need meat, complex carbs and a shit ton of them. You're lean enough, you should be eating a cheat meal every other day at least.

And you need to lift heavy (not saying you aren't, just reiterating the importance). Gotta get strong before you get big.

Gotta nice base to start with. Good luck.


Do yourself a favor also. These boards can wreak havoc on a competitor because people are afraid to give honest criticism and tend to say things like " You got this in the bag" or "You got first no problem". ENough of this can making you start to believe your own hype. Don't. lol

You have no idea what package everyone else is bringing to the stage and you get that shit in your head, then you'll start blaming your loss on dumb shit. Again, not saying you'll do this, just offering some personal experience advice. If you gotta strong mind, this is rarely an issue.

Good luck.
Appreciated man, stepping up to bagels brown rice and what not. What do you think fat gains are like when running test p? Ill definitely keep tge weights heavy and food coming. But my lifts should be heavy as in 2-5 reps and maxes, or 4-8? I'm thinking somewhere between with a fee Isos to end each workout to get that pump of nutrient filled blood to my just beaten muscles. Also Is it an ok idea to run a bulk as such and start cutting on the pct? Or maybe even lengtheniing the cycle to 12-14 weeks and start cutting at the end of my bulk while still keeping the muscle saving effect of test?
Appreciated man, stepping up to bagels brown rice and what not. What do you think fat gains are like when running test p? Ill definitely keep tge weights heavy and food coming. But my lifts should be heavy as in 2-5 reps and maxes, or 4-8? I'm thinking somewhere between with a fee Isos to end each workout to get that pump of nutrient filled blood to my just beaten muscles. Also Is it an ok idea to run a bulk as such and start cutting on the post cycle therapy (pct)? Or maybe even lengtheniing the cycle to 12-14 weeks and start cutting at the end of my bulk while still keeping the muscle saving effect of test?

you're overthinking this.

1. Fat gain has nothing to do with anything but DIET and CARDIO. You can cut on any hormone out there.

2. Rep ranges for strength I like 6-10. But as long as your going heavy with good form you're good, just wanna be adding weight each week. Forget all that iso shit right now. You need big heavy movements. Take a look at my sig for a great routine for any level.

3. As for cutting, never do it during post cycle therapy (pct) in my opinion. I don't even like doing it at the end of a cycle, unless its a long cycle.

Ideally what you want to do is bulk now, recover, give your body time off the juice. Then get back on right when you start your show prep.

Again, it ain't rocket science. Don't make it that way. :D
Yeah, I'll just think about keeping form lifting heavy and eating big and worry about the cut after post cycle therapy (pct) is over. Appreciated the comments, I'll look over that routine now also.

Thanks for the help