Just a hypothetical discussion


New member
As we all know newbie gains are the best a person could potentially gain upward of 20-25 pounds in less than a year naturally. Only with rich diet, hard training and adequate rest.
I was wondering, if for example a person had amount X of muscle fiber and with this newbie gains they were really huge as I said like 20-25 pounds.
So hypothetically speaking if a newbie took peptides that induce hyperplasia for couple of months and his actual number of muscle fibers is increased to let's say 1.5X
Does this mean his newbie gains will be even more pronounced " 30-35 pounds?" because he has already much more muscle fibers to experience the immense gains?
I know it's a bit of awkward question but I was just wondering if anyone has information to share. This post is just for the sake of small discuss and pardon me if it sounds too wrong. Thank you guys for your opinion.
yes wither your a newbie or not , if your taking enhancements and increasing anabolic factors, then there will be more muscle growth
Yes I mean, would a newbie find the best result from peptides after he exhausted his natural gains or before it so these natural gains would be much much more amplified